Chapter 4

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Destiny's POV

We got out of our small home town in Arizona and we had just gotten to California before we ran out of gas and started to run on fumes. "Shit." I mutter to myself, I looked in the rearview mirror and saw Dally asleep. I sighed and shut the car off. I turned around to look at Ary. "I'm sorry for ignoring you," I began, "Sebastian.... He got bit. He died in my arms, there was nothing I could do. He told me to get you guys to the refugee center right before he died. You have to continue living on without him. I'm sorry." She finished sadly. "It's okay, but don't we need gas?" I looked at her and nodded, "Yeah we do." I nodded my head towards the car door to indicate to get out. I got out and went around the other side to get Dally. He started to stir awake but I held him close and he calmed down. I made sure to give him his stuffed bear Snowball that he loves so much and his favorite blanket. I carried an empty backpack while Ary carried a semi empty backpack. I made sure I locked my car before we started walking.

Time SKIP...

We had found a small town that looked like a ghost town and has been for a while. It's only been a few days since it all started but yet it's like humanity just vanished, this disease really wiped us humans out, but it doesn't surprise me because a lot of people weren't made for this. I don't even think I was but I have a promise to uphold. "Do you think everything has been cleared out?" I looked over at Ary and shrugged. "I have no idea. I hope not but I don't think hope is gonna do much now." She nods understanding what I was saying.

We continued walking for what felt like hours before we found a gas station. "Oh thank god." Ary said, sighing, I looked over at her and shook my head. "Again, don't get your hopes up." She looked at me sighing, and looked at the ground. I shook my head. I knew it was harsh but I had to keep that in her mind because now this world is just going to make her even more disappointed than what it already does. She wanted to be an actress, and she had gotten an audition that was supposed to be in three days from now. She has been so upset from this, she had gotten her hopes too high and it disappointed her even more. I feel bad for being so harsh honestly. I was shaken out of my thoughts when I realized that we had made it to the gas station and I began looking around for any fuel. "What are you ladies looking for?" I jumped and turned around quickly with my gun out. I looked at the girl and she had a sword. "We don't want any trouble. We are just looking for some gas. My car is a little ways away, we were running on fumes and my car isn't reliable as it is. We'll be on our way in just a minute." I said a little quickly, keeping my guard up. "Whose the little boy on your back? Is that your son?" The mystery female questioned. "That's none of your concern ma'am." I said looking her dead in the eye. She nodded and put her sword in its sheath. "You aren't going to find any gas here. It's already been wiped clean. However, I know another small town that's nearby that should have fuel." She looked at me and started speaking again. "My name is Danielle Marsh. Nice to meet you..." She paused sticking her hand out, expecting me to say my name. "Destiny. Destiny Rose," I said, sticking my hand out, shaking her hand . "Nice to meet you Destiny. Whose everyone else?" She questioned. I turned to look at Ary, kinda asking permission to tell the mystery lady named Danielle. She nodded her head at me and I looked back at Danelle. "Behind me standing is Ary Rose, my little sister and the little fella on my back sleeping is Kendall but we call him Dally. He's my little brother." She nodded her head. "Nice to meet you all. Follow me." She started walking and we started following.  

738 words

A/N: Hello my beautiful angels! I hope you guys are having a wonderful day/night! This chapter is shorter than the others but I hope you guys have enjoyed it! If there's any recommendations on how I could edit my story, please let me know! I love you all so much! Until next time, bye bye!


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