Chapter 17

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Destiny's POV...

4 years later

We have been in D.C, for about four years now. We found a small gated area, and have been here. We are safe, for now. Lately, I've been seeing shadows in the lining of the woods, they aren't zombies, they would join in on the rest of the chaos near the gates. They're humans and we're being watched. I haven't told the rest of the group, I know I should, but I don't want them to worry. I'm gonna be taking a small group with me tomorrow night. They don't leave, ever, they watch our every move. If they're something really serious, I'll tell the rest of the group, but as of now, they don't need to know.

Ary's POV

I've noticed Destiny acting strange recently. She's always tense and watching the lining of the trees. She doesn't ever come inside, I've seen her fall asleep outside. She's really concerning me, no one else notices, but tonight I'm going to go look at who's there.

Levi's POV

Destiny came up to me today telling me what she's been seeing, I'm upset on how she waited so long to tell me let alone anyone. We could be in serious danger, and we would only just now be finding out. Tomorrow night we're going out and I have to keep it from everyone. She shouldn't have waited so long to say something, but I guess I understand why she didn't say anything until now.

Tyler's POV

Destiny and Marsyl are keeping something from the group, I don't know what it is, but Kyle and Levi know. I keep asking them to tell me, but they refuse to tell me, as everyone else that knows. I don't understand why though. I'm going with Ary tomorrow night to see what's up. I'm not going to lie, I am beginning to like her, I doubt she feels the same, but whatever.

Kyle'S POV

It's been killing me keeping stuff from my twin. I tell him everything, but Destiny and Marsyl keep telling me to keep my mouth shut. In order to follow that order, I have to avoid him as much as possible. I know he knows something is up, but I can't cave in and tell him. He'd tell the rest of the group, I mean the rest of the group needs to know, but I know when we really have to tell them, that's when we will.


Destiny's POV

I decided to take a break from being outside, and actually go into my room to sleep. Little did I know, that was going to be a mistake.

Ary's POV

Tyler and I got out of the prison and we went to see what's up. "Hey Ary, are you sure you want to do this?" I heard Tyler ask me, I looked over at him, and nodded. "Alright, but before we go I have something to say." I turned towards him and nodded my head for him to continue, "I like-" Tyler stopped talking and looked down, I followed where he was looking and he was stabbed in the chest. He starts to fall down. I catch him and fall down with him. "Tyler, you're gonna be okay." I say with tears in my eyes. "I- I- I like you." I nodded at him, "I like you too, you can't die come on." I say before I feel pain in the back of my head and everything turns black.


Destiny's POV

I wake up, and walk to Ary's room. "Ary, time to get up," I knock on her door to get no response. I knock a few more times before trying to open the door to realize that it's locked. I get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and start kicking the door to knock it down. I see Levi walking out of his room with a confused look on his face, he looks in my direction and starts running towards me. "Destiny! What are you doing?!" He shouts at me, "Ary isn't answering, and I have a very bad feeling!" I shout back and he pulls me away from the door before body slamming into it, getting it opened. "Ary!" I shout while looking around to see everything but her in there. I began looking around the entire room, destroying it before storming towards the bathroom to see the light coming from underneath and the door locked. I knock on the door, "Ary?" I question quietly, to still no avail of hearing her voice. I shout her name a few more times before my adrenaline kicks in and I kick the door down to see her not in there. I immediately rushed outside to see that it was supposed to be Tyler on watch. "TYLER?!" I shout as loud as I can, multiple times to see that he is nowhere to be found. "ARY?! TYLER?!" I shout before falling to my knees breathing heavily. 'I'm sorry Bassy, I failed you once again.' I think to myself.

Ary's POV

I open my eyes to see pitch black, I feel a bag on my head, and I try to move my hands to realize they are tied together. I remember.... TYLER! I began to struggle against the restraints to hear the door of whatever room I am in open. "I would stop making so much noise. These walls are paper thin." I hear a person say before a bright, white light blinds me. I heard the person chuckle before I looked up to see someone with a mask on and only showed their eyes, by the way their voice sounds like, I think they're a man. "Well darling, you really should've just kept your nose out of other people's business." I glared at him and he darkly chuckled at me. "I originally just wanted your sister, but I guess you will do." He paused for a couple of seconds, "My people and I have been following you around for a while... Well since the very beginning." He looked at me and just punched me in the face. That continued on for quite some time before I felt like I could barely breathe. He stops and looks at me. "Well little Ary, no one is gonna save you, so have fun." He says before he leaves me laying down on my side, still tied to the chair and not able to move. After what I thought was an eternity, I hear the door open before I see a zombie stumbling in. That zombie was Tyler. 'No.' I thought to myself.

Destiny's POV

"No, we need to leave now. Kyle you're the tracker here, you and Levi go out into the woods and track them down. The rest of us will get supplies with us and meet up with you." Levi, Kyle, and Marsyl looked at me and nodded. Marsyl and few of her people went to go get supplies as the other two left. "Are you sure this is going to work?" I looked at her and nodded, "I will get them back." She nodded at me then turned around and whispered something to her people before they walked away. "I don't doubt that, but before we go out there, I need to tell you something." I nodded at her to continue on with what she was saying. "I love you, more than a friend." I turn to look at her with a shocked look on my face. "I feel the same." She nodded and said she was gonna get her people and meet me by the gates. I finished gathering the supplies before we set off to get my little sister back and her little brother back. 

1279 words

Hello my beautiful angels! This is the end of this book, don't worry! There's gonna be a sequel, I will let you know as soon as it comes up! I will most likely be when it is finished, but I will be working on the third book right after the second one is finished, so hopefully you won't be waiting as long for the third one to be posted! I love you all! Until next time my beautiful angels! Bye bye!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2021 ⏰

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