Chapter 8

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Time skip to tuesday night

Destiny's POV

Tonight is the night that I had told them about the people I met. I still don't know how I feel about what they were saying after they thought I left. I felt a little nervous because I never really hid anything from my sister but I guess that doesn't really matter anymore. "Hey, can I talk to you guys real quick?" I said to Danelle and Ary, Dally is still sleeping and still too young to understand what really was going on. However, I do plan on telling him tomorrow that they were people coming with us, I guess that really depends if the girls are okay with having more people join in on the journey. They both nodded their head and we sat down by the fire I made right when the sun was setting. "What's up?" Ary asked me, "Listen, the night I had left to go get the stuff for the car," I paused and took a breath. I continued, "It took me long because I had overheard a small group of people saying that the city was pretty much overran. I was trying to back away to avoid them and continue on my way, but I stepped on a branch and they found me. We both needed help so they got me into the city and helped me get the supplies. In return, they stay with us till we get to the refugee center." They both looked at me, very shocked to say the least. "Well, they will hopefully keep us safe. It might be good for us all if they were with us." Ary had said to me, "How many are there?" Danelle asked. Well, shit. I forgot to ask that question. Oh well, we'll find out. "Uhhh..... Well I'm not sure." Danelle looked at me weirdly. "How do you not know?" She questioned me, "Well, I met four of them, they were talking about someone at their camp being injured. I only know of five." Her eyes widen for a second, "What the fuck? Did it not cross your mind to ask that question?" She raised her voice and I scoffed. "No. It did not Danelle." She looked at me standing up and I did the same. She got closer to my face before she continued to speak. "They could be dangerous! We don't know what they're capable of!" She raised her voice at me, pointing out the obvious like I didn't know. I scoffed and rolled my eyes before I started to speak. "Oh! You mean like you? I let you come with us and I didn't know you or trust you. I still don't! Don't start this bullshit when I've known you for a month! I will gladly kick you to the curb if I have to!" I turned away from her and sat down at my place before as she did the same. "I've already discussed this with them. They know they can't go near Ary or Dally. I'll kill them and make them leave. I will be telling them tomorrow that I make the calls," I paused and looked at Danelle. She pissed me off enough just now, that I'm making her sit with them. "The same goes for you. When the group gets here, you're staying with them. You are not allowed near them at all. If I catch you near them, I'll kill you myself. Do I make myself clear?" She looked surprised at this but nodded nonetheless, seeing as how I was being dead serious. "Tonight's your last night to talk. Stay on guard, Ary get in bed soon. Tomorrow is a big day. Goodnight." I walked away before they could even respond and went into the impala's driver seat and reclined the chair a little bit and went to sleep.

Danelle's POV

I cannot believe she just said that! Damn, I really should've just kept my mouth shut. Ary looked at me. "Really? You know you just got here and you know my sister is very bossy. What is wrong with you?" Ary sounded really upset with you, "Look, I was thinking of you and your brother. Your sister is different then what you describe she was like. It's been two weeks since it started. No one changes that much, by the time of two months into this thing, she'll be too far gone. You should know this information!" I whisper-yelled to her, she looked at me like I was crazy. "We just lost our brother! She's becoming the person she needs to be to survive this! Just being by ourselves is what's gonna get us killed! You know that!" Ary whispered yelled back at me. I was about to speak but she put her hand up to silence me. "Just stop talking. Wake me up when you're tired to take watch." She pauses for a moment before speaking again. "One last thing, within two months of this thing, we are all gonna be too far gone. You should really think before you speak sometimes. It's a helpful tool." With that, she walked away to the car and got in the back with her brother to sleep. I just sat on the log, alert, staring at the fire. That's where I stayed the rest of the night.

885 words

A/N: Hello my beautiful angels! Do you like this chapter? Have a wonderful day/night! I love you all so much! Until next time, bye bye! 


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