Chapter 1

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A/N: The songs won't exactly be matching to the chapter but just enjoy the music or play whatever song you want! On some chapters, if i feel that it matches with it well, then I will for sure tell you! Also if you feel a song would go great with the chapter, feel free to put it down below in the comments and I will gladly put it in! Thank you for your time now enjoy!

Destiny's POV

I was walking into the bathroom thirty minutes before I had to leave to get to work. I work as a waitress. The best part about that is literally just the tips. The pay sucks but it helps my brother with the bills. My foster parents aren't the best. I don't even know how they were qualified to be foster parents. It makes absolutely zero sense. Anyways, after I finished getting ready, I walked downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a snack from the fridge. We live in a nice, decent sized house. My foster parents are, for sure, rich. My foster mom's the best neurosurgeon in the country, most likely the world, and my foster dad is the best lawyer in the country, again most likely in the world. They seem like great people, but if they aren't working, they're drinking, smoking, and just the worst people to be around. They gamble a lot of money and hardly buy what any of the children they foster need. I'm saving up money to get us all out of there. My oldest foster brother is 21. He's already out of the house, I'm 18, I have a younger sister, she's 17, and I have a younger brother, he's 8. I get out of the kitchen and walk to the coffee table in the living room to get my wallet, keys, phone, phone charger, and I put them in my mini, purse-like backpack. I go to the door to put on my black vans and walk out the door to my 1997 chevy impala. It's an expensive car but I love it. I drive to the diner I work at and begin my 12-hour shift.


I finally finished my 12-hour shift and I began walking home because my car stopped working. Just great am I right? It was not midnight and I was walking down the dark street trying to get home. I had just finished a 12-hour shift and I just wanted to get home. About half way down the road, I started to smell smoke. I shrugged it off as nothing until I saw smoke going up into the air. I ran faster then I ever did to that said direction where the smoke was coming up. When I got there, I saw living corpses walking on fire. 'What in the actual hell?' I thought to myself. I continued to run avoiding the walking dead until it was right in front of me. 'How do I kill this thing?!' I think to myself. I quickly look around to find something to defend myself with. I looked at the ground a few feet away from me and saw a pole with a semi-sharp point. "Perfect." I whisper to myself. I quickly put the dead that got closer as I was looking for a weapon. After I pushed the dead away, I ran to where the pole lied and grabbed it. It started walking towards me and I held the pole with the sharp end pointing outwards. I stabbed it in the chest and it wouldn't die. "What the heck." I whisper to myself. "It's gotta be the head. At least that's the way in movies. Please, for once movies, be right." I beg. I quickly took the pole out of it's chest and put my hand on the left side, opposite of where the pole had gone in, and quickly stabbed it to the dead's head. I pulled out the pole to keep it with me and the thing stopped moving. "Great, the movies were right." I said to myself and looked around at my surroundings. I saw that the dead took notice and started coming towards me. "Shit, gotta go." I say to myself and run. I make it home and I quickly walk inside to see all the lights off. "Oh. Maybe they're fine." I put my stuff down and quickly closed and locked the door. I turn on the lights and quickly but quietly make my way up the stairs. "AHHHHHHHH!" I hear a female voice scream. "ARY?!" I yell and begin sprinting up the steps. I quickly look around trying to find out where the scream came from. I hear it again and I can tell it came from my foster parents room. I see my little brother and sister standing there, looking in horror. I quickly make my way over there and push them out of the way. I look where they were looking and I see my foster dad on top of my foster mom eating her. I see a knife in my sister Ary's hand and I take it out of her possession. I walked up to my, now dead, foster dad and pulled the collar on the back of his shirt to pull him off and stabbed him in the head. I looked at my foster mom and saw that she was dying a very slow, painful death. I almost feel bad. Almost. "What's going on?" She asked while holding her neck in pain and looking at me in the eyes. "Zombie apocalypse is my guess. The dead are walking so." I shrug. She nodded her head. "Please, don't let me turn. I am so sorry for everything I did and for not stopping him. You all deserved so much better. You'll make it out of this, protect your little brother and sister, keep them safe." I nodded my head and grabbed her hand. "You're forgiven." I say and push the knife through the back of her skull. Killing her. I took my hand out of her limp hand and sped walked over to my younger foster siblings. "Alright, go pack some clothes and I'll get the food, water, and all of those supplies okay? We are gonna go back to the diner to get the impala and we are gonna go where Sebastian is and we are getting the hell out of here and finding somewhere else to go. Okay?" They nodded and both ran to their rooms. I walked downstairs and grabbed the supplies that we needed.


~1096 words

~Chapter 1 completed! (not edited)

~Hey Guys! So, I created a new story! I know, I know, this is like the millionth one. I'm sorry I have failed to get the rest of them done, BUT! Hear me out, I going to get onto a regular schedule to update each story and i'm going to keep a schedule regarding what story I need to update and the separate plots and everything so they will EVENTUALLY be finished. Thank you for reading and I love all of you! Until next time! Bye bye!


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