Chapter 6

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Destiny's POV

I begin my journey through the forest to get to the city. 'God, why was I so stuipid, to say all of that? I know, it wasn't much but still. Just that little bit can give her enough to use against me. I don't even trust her, what is wrong with me?' I sighed to myself and I heard something move past the trees on the other side of me. I quickly grabbed out my knife and hid behind another tree. "Well, what are we gonna do? The city is close to being completely overrun. You can barely make it in and out of the city safely. We can't go again, why would you want to?" A voice said, and another person sighed, "Do you not know all the things that are there? All the supplies? We need those, Tyler, you know this. Kyle is in bad shape. They're is medical supplies there, we need those." I started backing up and as the other person known as 'Tyler' was about to speak, I stepped on a branch. "Shh. What was that.?" Tyler said, "Someone's here." A female voice said. I suddenly felt something pressed to my back. "Go, move forward, now." A quiet female voice demanded. I figure it was a gun pressed to my back. I moved my feet forward and the others stayed silent. "Well looky here. Evelyn here found the eavesdropper." I was about to make a snarky comment to the boy when suddenly a sword blade was pressed to my throat. "Now tell us what you want. Or I kill you." The female said darkly. "Well, I was walking in the woods to get to the city. I stopped when I heard the trees move. I need to get to that city. If you could just let me go, we won't ever have to see each other again. I have people waiting on my return. I need to go." I tried moving the blade off of my throat when the blade was pressed harder, drawing blood from my neck. I cringed at the pain. "Listen, I'd love to sit here and talk but I need to get back before noon tomorrow so please let me go." I said calmly, looking the girl in the eyes. She was about to say something when another voice cut it. "Let her go. She wasn't intentionally eavesdropping. I told you guys to leave strays alone. Do you three never listen?" The voice said sharply, like in a very bossy tone. "Marsyl..." Tyler was cut off. "I don't care about what you're going to say Tyler. You are going to let the girl go, or I'll kill you myself." The girl that is apparently Marsyl. The gun was removed from my back and the blade was removed from my throat. I put my hand on my neck to stop the bleeding. I nodded towards the girl to give thanks. "You can't get there without help. They're too many walkers there. What do you need?" I looked at her, 'why do I need to answer that?' I thought to myself. She gave this type of look that said, 'tell or else.' I decided that I should answer her question. "I need food, water, clothes for winter and most importantly car parts. Do you know where any warehouses that I can access to get those?" They all looked at me weirdly, except Marsyl. "Why do you need car parts?" Tyler asked, I looked at him like he was stupid. "Why else would I need car parts? My car broke down. The engine is shot and the battery is dead. I just need a mechanic warehouse I can get to so I can get what I need." He rolled his eyes at my response. He was about to say something when Marsyl stepped in. "Well, there is a warehouse in the middle of the city. You need to have help. We can help you." She said, I looked at her a little surprised. "Why would you want to help me? I don't need your help just let me go and I'll be out of your hair." She chuckled at my statement. "Darling, you know you need help, we all do. Not only that but I'm assuming you're going to the refugee center?" I looked at her not saying a single word. I sighed and decided to say. "Yeah, I have to get my younger siblings to get to the refugee." I looked at and she nodded understandingly. She was about to speak when Tyler cut in. "Well as nice this is, we both have something we need help with. We take you to get the parts, you give us a ride." He was smirking as he said that. I shook my head. "I don't think you understand. I only have room for one more. You'll need to get another vehicle and besides, I'm not letting my family near you people." I glared at him, and he laughed. "C'mon! It's a win-win situation!" I looked at him and I stayed quiet for a while. After a minute or two my stare went to the ground. "Well?" Tyler said, I looked at him again. "No, I'll go alone. I'm not putting my family at risk just for help when I'm skillful enough to be on my own. I don't need or want your help, goodbye." I said and turned away. I began walking away, towards the way where the city is when I heard a voice call out, "Wait!" I stopped and turned around. I saw that it was Marsyl who called out. "We have another vehicle and we won't be near your family. We just need to get there before the refugee is closed. I just need to do what's best for my people, as same for you." I looked at her and I almost felt bad. I decided to give in. "Fine. Whoever else is with you better know to stay away from them and if they come near I will kill them and we will leave without you. Understand?" I looked Marsyl dead in the eyes showing I was serious. She gave me a stern nod. "We better hurry, we're going to be screwed if we don't. Tyler, Kendall you get supplies for Kyle. Evelyn, me and," She stopped talking seeing as how she didn't know my name. "Destiny." She nodded, "Destiny will get to the warehouse and get what she needs. By noon we get the fuck out of that city and we run like hell get everyone, we get the hell out of here. Got it?" Everyone nodded, I looked at them. "It's gonna take me a few days to work on the car. I have to make sure everything is good." They looked at me and Tyler rolled his eyes."Really?" I glared over at him, "I suggest you shut the fuck up before I kill you right here." He looked at me and so did Marsyl, "Tyler, shut your mouth." He looked back at her and looked back at me to roll his eyes once again. I rolled my eyes at him, "Let's go we're wasting time." They looked at me and nodded. We then got on our way to the city.

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A/N: Hello my beautiful angels! How are you guys today? I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I love you all so much! Until next time, bye bye!


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