Chapter 9

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Destiny's POV

I woke up with a cramp in my neck and the sun rising. 'Damnit today is not the day for this bullshit.' I got out of the car feeling a bit nauseous and I realized that I had a nasty headache. "You shitting me? This is not the day." I say to myself and I walk over to the hood of the car and checked out the engine and everything, making sure everything looks good before closing it again. I looked around and saw Danelle in front of where we built the fire the previous night. The fire was out and apparently so was she. I walked over to her, kicking her foot until she woke up, which took a few minutes before she shot up. "Why didn't you get either Ary or me to take watch if you were tired?" You asked a bit irritated but if I'm being honest, I could tell today was gonna be a bad day. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't even feel tired." She looked at me, confusion written all over her face. "Well don't do it again. There could've been stranglers around and they could've attracted more." She nodded at me, "Promise I won't do it again." I just gave her a stern nod and went to the impala. "What are you doing?" She asked me as I grabbed my weapons and bag. "I'm going hunting, we need more food. I'm also gonna check for supplies, I got some time till the group is to be here." I didn't even bother looking at her or waiting for her response. I just started walking to the woods. "Wait!" She called out to me, I didn't want to stop but I did anyway. I turned around and that gave her the hint to continue talking. "Look, I'm sorry-" I cut her off, "Don't worry about it. If you think that I'm going to change my mind just because you apologized, you're wrong." I turned around again but stayed put for in case she said something. I was about to walk away when I heard her speak, "I'm not apologizing because I don't want to be with the other group. I shouldn't have overstepped and that's what I'm sorry about." I stayed with my back facing her and shrugged. I walked away into the woods and began my hunting trip.

Time Skip

Destiny's POV

By the time I had come back from hunting and looking for supplies, the other group was already there. I looked horrible, I had blood all over me because I ran into trouble. I'm still nauseous, I'm extremely pale, I have a horrifyingly, painful, pounding headache. At least I found about twenty squirrels, and a huge bunch of berries. Everyone looked at me emerge from the woods and Ary came running to me. "Oh my god! Destiny, are you okay?" She exclaimed, I cringed at how loud she was and moved my head further from her to create some distance between her and my pounding headache. "You know, some people have eardrums and a severe, pounding, headache that they can't get rid of and yelling doesn't help." She looked at me and took in my appearance. "Are you bit?" She looked at me, terrified. I shook my head and walked away. I went to the trunk and my bag off my back and stuck the squirrels and berries I found in there and lifted up my secret department in my trunk to stick the bag in there. "Alright. I'm going to say this once and one time only because I don't feel like repeating myself today." I say walking towards the group of people. "I am going to be making the calls, I'm the leader. Have a problem with it, leave now or keep your damn mouth shut until I decide to step down. You are not allowed near my two siblings. If you are, I will kill you myself and your entire group will be forced to split from my family and I. Right over there," I pointed to Danelle, "That's Danelle. She will be with you. My decisions shall never be questioned. I would never do anything without thinking it through. We all got that, right?" You looked at everyone and they all nodded. Marsyl looked at me and smirked. "You have something you want to say?" I said looking directly at her, and she shook her head. "Alright then make sure you have everything and let's load up." I said and began walking away until I heard Tyler say, "Wait," I stopped to turn to him and he continued, "Shouldn't you know our names first?" I looked at him and shook my head, "If I wanted to know, I would've asked. I really just want to get out of here so if we can do that, it would be fantastic." He looked at me and scoffed while rolling his eyes. "Who pissed in your cheerios to make you a raging bitch?" He muttered under his breath, but obviously not quiet enough because I heard him. "Is there something you need to say?" I looked at him and looked up, making eye contact, shaking his head. "Right, good, because what you just said, would've gotten you and your group left behind. I'm not in the mood to deal with your bullshit so keep your damn mouth shut. Got it?" I said and got closer to his face. I gave him a very stern, but threatening look and he nodded, getting the message. I smiled and nodded, "Good. Let's go!" I yelled and we all got in our vehicles and we began our journey to the overrun refugee center. 'How do I tell Ary and Dally that the refugee center is overrun? How do I keep my promise to Bassy about getting them there?' I thought to myself before I completely blocked out my thoughts entirely and focused on driving.

987 words

A/N: Hello my beautiful angels! I am tired and things are getting a bit tough but I am doing my best! ^_^ Do you like it? I love you all so much! Until next time, bye bye!


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