Chapter 5

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Destiny's POV

We had finished getting fuel from the other small town, it was about thirty minutes from the other small town we were in. I decided to let Danelle come along with us for the simple fact of; we cannot survive with just us and we need more people if we ever want to survive the apocalypse, and I mean the entire population of the world. Anyways, we continue our drive and by the end of the night we were six cities away from the small town we met Danelle in.


Ary's POV

As we were driving, I had woken up from my nap. I don't know when I fell asleep but at some point I did. It was dark and I saw Dally sitting up awake looking out the window. I noticed that it was dark out. 'Wow, it was like noon when I fell asleep. I must have been tired.' I thought to myself. "Hey Dest, where are we?" I scooted into the middle seat in the back of the Impala as Destiny was driving and Danelle was sitting in the passenger seat. I see Destiny look in the rearview mirror, looking at Dally. "Uhhh, no idea if I'm being honest. We are about six to eight cities away from the small town we were in." I looked at her for a second and sighed. 'Great, she doesn't know where we are and we've been driving for hours.' I thought to myself. "Don't you think it's dangerous driving out at night?" I asked as I looked up at the two in the front. "It's not any more dangerous than it was before. In my personal opinion, it was more dangerous when the humans were the rulers of the earth. Now it doesn't matter if we see a person in the road because nine times out of ten they're either about to be dead or already dead." I nodded at her like I was agreeing with her. She looked at me and looked back in front of her after a few seconds. "You're right. Hey, why were you out there alone? Isn't it more dangerous to be alone then when it was back then?" She looked at me and chuckled. "It's always been dangerous to be alone but it's not when you know how to handle yourself." I nodded at her and sat back in my original seat. After a few minutes of silence, I sighed. I was so bored, I looked at Dally and saw that he was asleep again. 'Jeez, that kid sleeps a lot.' I thought to myself. "In a few minutes, we should be getting into a place close to San Francisco." I looked at her, "Really?" I asked and she raised an eyebrow at me. "Do you think I'm lying or something? Take a look at the map." I looked at her and shook my head. 'Why did she think that? Did I do something I'm unaware of that upsetted her?' I thought to myself. Danelle sighed at Destiny's response, "Destiny, no need to be harsh. She's just probably surprised we have driven that far." Destiny looked at her and then looked back at the road. "Mhm, I'm sure she is but I don't feel like being questioned right now." Destiny looked back at me. "You know, you still haven't told me exactly what happened to Sebastian," I saw anger flash in her eyes, but it disappeared as fast as it appeared. "No, I told you what happened and I told you that I'm getting you and Dally to that refugee center." She said with a scowl on her face. I looked at her, "Why are we going there? It's most likely gonna be a bust." She looked at me with irritation written all over her face. "Well we won't know if it's a bust until we get there, right? Now do us both a favor and keep your questions to yourself. Like I said, I don't want to be questioned right now." I looked directly at her through the rearview mirror and I saw that her eyes were tearing up a little bit so I just decided to keep my mouth shut. "Do you need to have someone else drive so you can get some sleep?" I asked after a few minutes of silence. She looked at me and said an angry 'no' and continued driving. I looked over at Danelle and she looked back at me and shrugged. "Destiny..." Danelled started before the engine started making popping noises. "Damnit, damnit, damnit, damnit!" Destiny said while hitting her palm on the steering wheel. I looked at her with a concerned look on my face. "Well, we're stuck here for the night. Damnit, you stupid car. Why can't you ever fucking work?!" Destiny yelled angrily. "Destiny, calm down. You need sleep, get some sleep. You can work on the car in the morning. It's not like you can see right now." I looked at Destiny and she's shaking her head. "No, I just need someone to hold the flashlight and I'll be able to see what hell is wrong so I can either fix it now or maybe tomorrow. I need to know what I'm looking at first." I shook my head at her and grabbed my bag on the floor to get the flashlight. "You're ridiculous. I'll hold the flashlight, let's go." She nodded at me and we both got out of the car. She lifted the hood up and she looked around. "Fuck!" She screamed a little bit too loud. "First off, shush! There could be zombies chilling about. Second off, what the hell is wrong?" I whispered to her. "The entire fucking engine blew. I need a new battery and battery cords. There is no way we are getting anywhere with this piece of shit." I looked at her, 'Damnit. What are we gonna do now?' I thought to myself, "Wait, how far are we from the city?" She looked at me and shrugged. She went to the car and grabbed the map from Danelle. She closed the hood of the car and she set it there to take a look. "We're here." She said pointing on the map where we are. "Right over here is the city. I can go around in the woods in that direction." She said continuing to point on the map. "And go up in the mountains to take a look at how the city is. If it's overrun we are going to have to go around in the woods and avoid the city all together but if it's not, we can find many warehouses and get the parts that we need to fix the car. If it all goes by plan, we can be going in less then a week." She paused to look at me to see if I was still following along and I nodded. "It's about a night's worth walk from here to the city. I need Danelle to stay here with you and Dally and I can make the walk and be back around eight o' clock in the morning tomorrow and Danelle and I can go and find the warehouses and get the equipment that's needed and get back here before sundown and be able to start fixing the car and get the hell off of the side of the road. The longer we stay here, the more likely we're going to find some trouble." Danelle got out of the car. "We are sitting ducks here. We don't have time to fix the car. We need to get moving now." I looked over to Destiny shaking her head. "We don't have another ride. Your car is too far back. We need to fix this because we only have a few months before the refugee stops accepting people into the camp. We need to get there before then and besides, I'm not leaving my car." I looked over at Destiny and saw a very serious expression on her face. "Why is the car so important to you? We need to leave it behind." Destiny looked like she was about to burst. "Not that it's any of your damn business, but it's the last thing I received from my brother. I am not leaving it behind. I am leaving right now, and getting the city checked out. Besides, we have to make a run anyways because we are getting low on supplies. So I'll check the city out, I'll get there around sunrise and I'll search the city for supplies and the warehouses. I get the supplies like food and water. Come back here get you Danelle, go back to the city where the warehouses are and get the equipment and be back here before sundown." I looked over at Danelle and she rolled her eyes at Destiny. "This is stupid." She said and I heard Destiny scoff. "Well it's the best we've got and it's the only plan that we're doing right now so get over it. This conversation is over." She walks towards the car to get her supplies. "You keep Dally safe. Keep an eye on Danelle, I don't know if I trust her completely yet. If she tries to leave, just let her. Got it?" I nodded at her. "Be safe please." She gave me a stern nod and left. I got back into the car and just let sleep take over.  

1574 words

A/N: Hello my beautiful angels! This chapter is long! I have been busy with working on the story and I think it's going well. Is there anything you guys would like to see? Let me know by either, pming me, or commenting down below. I love you all so much! Until next time, bye bye! 


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