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(This chapter takes place back at the hall)

Diancie, Celebi, Victini and Meloetta were chatting with each other as they walked to Y/n’s room. “I’m so glad that Y/n is better” Celebi squealed excitedly. “Me too, but that’s only one member that is back. We still need to find Keldeo. The poor thing is who knows where all by himself” Diancie said worried.

“Don’t worry Diancie, we’ll find him” Meloetta said reassuringly. This seemed to have calmed Diancie because she took a few deep breathes and smiled. The four of the reached Y/n’s room door and Victini knocked on it softly. “Y/n, you in there?” he asked. He received no answer and knocked again. 


The four were beyond confused. Meloetta turn the doorknob and slowly opened the door. “Y/n sorry for walking into your room, but we…...” Diancie paused and looked around in shock as well as Meloetta, Celebi, and Victini. 

When they walked in, Y/n was gone as well as S/n. They four searched the whole hall and there was no sign of them anywhere. 

They rushed to Arceus’s office and told him what happened. Arceus nodded and arranged a meeting in the his office. After about 5 minutes, the room was crowded with legendary pokemon. 

“Legends, I have received news that Y/n and S/n have gone missing” he said. The other legends gasped. “I have arranged a search party to find them and bring them back.”

All of the legends nodded and proceeded with the search. They were determined to find Y/n and S/n before it was too late.

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