Meeting Keldeo

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Y/n walked out of the forest and placed the colt pokemon on the soft green grass. She took off her backpack and pulled out an oran berry.

 She took off her backpack and pulled out an oran berry

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She heard the colt pokemon groan. That was a sign that it's waking up. Y/n looked at the pokemon as it opened its eyes. Y/n slowly placed a hand on the pokemon and stroked it gently.

??? POV

I groaned in pain as I woke up. Then I felt a soft hand on my body and my body was being stroked gently. I opened my eyes completely and saw a girl. She had h/l h/c hair and e/c eyes. She sent me a small smile in which I returned.

Y/n's POV

I smiled at the pokemon when it woke up. The colt pokemon smiled back at me. I extended my arm and gave the oran berry to it. It looked at the berry for a second then ate the berry. "Thank you" it said. I was shocked that it was able to talk but I quickly shook it off. "Your welcome" I said. "Who are you" it asked shyly. "I'm y/n. Who are you" I said. "I'm Keldeo" it said. I smiled. "Nice to meet you Keldeo" I said. Then a bright light appeared. It looked like a portal. "What's that" I asked Keldeo. "It's a portal that goes back to the Hall of Origins" he said.

"Hall of Origins" I asked. He nodded. "The Hall of Origins is a very special place. It's the home of all the legendary pokemon." he said. "So your a legendary pokemon" I asked. Keldeo nodded then he looked back at the portal. "I have to get back now" he said. "Will I be able to see you again" I asked. Keldeo nodded. Then he walked into the portal. As I started to walk home a strong breeze starts pulling me backwards. After a split second I fell unconscious.

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