Bad News

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Keldeo's POV

I woke up the next morning not feeling like myself. I was yawning each moment and I was losing my balance a little.

I walked sleepily to the dining room. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and bumped into Arceus. "I..I'm sorry Lord Arceus." I said. Then I let out a small yawn. "Keldeo, why are you yawning" he asked. Before I could answer I heard a feminine voice. Arceus and I turned to see Virizion standing there."He's had a rough night. From the moment he saw Y/n fall unconscious, he's been getting in serious conditions. They're only getting worse each minute. It's been a week now and she still hasn't woken up yet. Everyone is worried about her." She said. I looked at Virizion with fear in my eyes. I was just as worried about Y/n than everyone else. She helped me when I was hurt. I couldn't lose my best friend. She too important to me.

"Keldeo had a nightmare about losing Y/n." Virizion continued. Arceus looked at her confused. "What? Keldeo has never had a nightmare in his life." He said. "I know. Without Y/n, Keldeo isn't complete. He's devastated. He misses his best friend." Virizion said.

She's right though. I do miss Y/n. I'm not completed without her. Before I could say something, I let out another yawn. Arceus looked at me. "Keldeo, why don't you go get some more rest?" He said. I nodded and walked out of the room.

Virizion's POV

I watched as Keldeo left the room. I felt worried about him.

'I hope that he'll be alright' I thought.

~With Keldeo~

Keldeo walked to his room and yawned. He crawled into bed and closed his eyes. He still had trouble sleeping, but at least it wasn't another nightmare.

Keldeo tried to think of happy thoughts as he slept, but he didn't have that much luck.


Keldeo woke up feeling much better. He hopped out of bed and walked to the dining room. He looked around and saw the other legends walking into the room. He smiled knowing that he will always have his other friends. But he still couldn't keep his mind off of Y/n.

Everyone gathered in the dining room. All of the seats were full. Except for 1 of them.

Y/n's seat.

Everyone looked over to the empty seat. They all frowned. They all miss Y/n.

Then Arceus walked in. He saw all of the sad faces of all of the legends. He sighed and walked over to the table and sat in his seat.

"Attention legendaries" he called. Everyone looked at him. "I know that the past week has been difficult without Y/n around. But ever since the battle with Yveltal, Xerneas, and Zygarde, I'm afraid that I have some bad news" he said. "What is it" Tapu Koko asked. Arceus bit his lip and sighed sadly.

Keldeo's POV

Arceus was about to say what he was about to say, then I saw a bright blue light. Then I saw the little sprite from before. "What's going on" she asked. "Y/n fell unconscious after the battle between her, Yveltal, Xerneas, and Zygarde. She still hasn't woken up" I said. "I was worried that this would happen" she said worriedly. "Huh" I asked. "What are you talking about" Celebi asked. "When Y/n transformed into Ultimate Cure Mermaid, that was a big mistake. Y/n's body wasn't able to hold so much power yet. So that caused her normal amount of power to malfunction" she said. "Yes indeed" Arceus replied. Everyone turned to him. "S/n and I studied her to see what happened to her last week. And..." he paused. "And what" Diancie asked. "That's the bad news. We're afraid that Y/n didn't make it" S/n said.

Everyone gasped in fear and horror.

Y/n was gone? How? She can't be.

"I checked her energy level and it was in the negatives. She used up all of her energy from the first time she battled them, and she knew that too. But she refused to rest" S/n continued but was cut off by me slamming my hoof on the table. "And you didn't think to tell us this ahead of time!" I shouted

I was really mad. Arceus and S/n knew about the condition that Y/n was going through and they didn't even bother to tell us this before.

All of the legends included S/n looked at me in shocked but I didn't care.

"Keldeo, there's no need to shout-" "I don't care!" I said cutting her off. "You saw what happened to her! You all did!" I said referring to all of the legends. "Keldeo-" "No! You said that you knew that all of this would happen!" I cut her off once again. "Now my best friend is probably dead, and you two had the nerve to tell is about her condition now!" I shouted at S/n and Arceus. Tears formed in my eyes. I stood up and ran out of the room crying ignoring the calls of all of the legends and specifically S/n's call.

S/n's POV

I saw tears form in Keldeo's eyes as he ran out of the room.

Tears of guilt formed in my eyes as I looked at everyone else then over to where Keldeo left.

'What have I done?'

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