Day 1 (Part I)

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    "Riv!" My stepmother called out and I gave out a soft sigh as I tied my laces and "River!" She called again and I get up and grab my bag before leaving my room.

      "I'm here mum."  I say walking into the dining area and she smiles "Why don't you wear anything else but those large shirts and hoods?" She asks and I simply raise my sleeves up as a reply and her smile dies.

      "I'm so sorry Riv, you know I didn't mean to, I was just.." she begins but I cut her off  "Drunk. You were drunk." I say and she nods slowly sniffing.

      "I'm trying.." she says staring up at me and I nod "I know you are." I say "Do you forgive me?" She asks and I nod "Come give Mum a hug then." She says opening her arms and I hug her. "I love you." She mutters into my head and I nod, not being able to say it back.

      "I made breakfast, the toast are a bit burnt though." She says and I give a small smile "I'm used to it already." I say and she laughs as we sit down and discuss the things that happened around us and to us.

     "Gotta go now or I'll be late." She says getting up and taking her plates to the sink "Try not to be late for school. Love you." She calls out as she leaves.

   Finishing my breakfast I quickly tidy up the place  and check how much time I've got left before I search through the cabinet looking for any bottle of alcohol.
The few I find I empty more than half of them before refilling it with water and placing them back.

       Locking the house I plug in my earphones and begin the short walk to the bus-stop when my phone chimes indicating I have a new message and I unlock it to read the message.

  Smile:) the message reads and I roll my eyes and continue walking probably got  sent to me by mistake, I think just as another message come in; Go on, smile it won't kill you to do so :),  I read before frowning, oookay, can this still be a wrong number? I wonder as another text comes in; that's not a smile, this is a smile:)  now try it out :) it reads and I actually smile at that before my subconscious mind kicks in.

       Are we really smiling at a text from a stranger who you can't see but can see you and might be an axe murderer? It asks and at that I start looking around, sure I wanna die but not by the hands of an axe murderer....who the hell wants that?

      Spotting a familiar black Audi across the street, I cross towards it and knock on the drivers window impatiently then wait.

       "Morning." Sebastian greets and I frown holding my phone to his face "Is this from you?" I ask and he nods "Stalker much?" I ask with a brow raised and he chuckles "I'm not there yet." He says "Well you're close enough, right below axe murderer." I say and he starts laughing "Glad you think this is funny." I mutter and he raises a brow but says nothing and I turn around to start walking.

      "Get in let's go." He says pulling me back with my shirt "Easy there, don't man handle me." I snap turning to the passenger side and getting in, because why not? I hate walking to the bus-stop and waiting for the dang bus which riding in always makes me nauseous, so hell yeah.

     "Technically I can't man handle you, you're a girl." He says and I scoff "And he's a sexist. Big shocker." I say sarcastically as I snap on my seatbelt on and he starts the car.

     "I'm not a sexist, I'm just.." he begins but I cut him off "Gender biased?" I asked and he frowns "Do you always talk this much?" He asks and I shrug "Depends." I reply and he nods.

      We drive in silence since I took his question as my cue to shut up and I look outside the window but before I know it the question I've been dying to ask.

     "Why are you doing this?" I ask and he shrugs "Doing what?" He asks and I sigh "This, the whole fifty days thing." I say and he shrugs, "Would you believe me if I said I'm in love with you?" He asks and I scoff  "As if, you don't even know my name." I say just as we hit a speed bump.

      "Easy, you've got valuable cargo on board." I say and he nods "Uh huh." "So what's the reason?" I ask again and he frowns "Are we still on that?" He asks and I shrug "We never left." I reply and he says nothing.

       "Stop me here." I say and he raises a brow "Why?" He asks and I roll my eyes, "Because if people see me getting out of your car their going to start talking and there goes my camouflage." I say and he turns to stare at me "What camouflage?" He asks and I frown "I'm a ghost, can't be a ghost if people start talking about me now can I?" I ask and he nods before stopping the car.

          "Thanks for the ride." I say and he nods as I begin unwinding my earphones so I can walk the rest of the way to school in peace.

      "Riveria!" Sebastian calls and I stop in my tracks, "Hey River, meet me in the kitchen during lunch break." He calls out and I turn around "And why would I wanna do that?" I ask placing my hands on my nonexistent hips; I've seen people pose like that when they want to be intimidating just so you know...

        "For your first reason cupcake..." He says driving off and I frown my first reason? I wonder, oh right, his fifty reasons for me to live, I remember then frown at the nickname, I'm guessing the intimidating pose didn't work out for me if he's calling me cupcake.. I think as I start the now short walk to school.

       Wait a second, Sebastian Vettel knows my name? Did you just realise it now genius? one of the snarky voice in my head asks and I increase my music and walk faster.



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