Day 4 [Part I]

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  "So," Sebastian says and I look at him, tapping the ash from my cigarette outside the window.

"Day 4 again right?" I ask and he smiles

"Yeah, the do over."

"What were you going to say before?"

"Oh. I've taken a different approach to this." He begins and I nod even though I don't understand.

"I figured the reasons I've been giving you aren't what you need." He continues and I raise a brow.

"Admit it Riv, they weren't good enough." He urges and I turn to stare at him.

"Vettel." I call and he glances at me

"They weren't bad."

"But they weren't exactly enough." He counters and I remain quiet.

"If I gave you reasons like going to the beach, clubbing, bungee jumping, sneaking into places we shouldn't be. Would that make you want to live?" He asks and I remain quiet still.

"Answer me Riv." He pleads and I sigh tapping out the cigarette.

"No Vettel. If those were your reasons I'd still jump of the ledge." I answer and he nods stopping the car.

"Thanks for being truthful." He murmurs and I nod lighting another one.

"Ever think of quitting that again?"

"Maybe, but what's the use?"

"You'll be healthier."

"I'm dying."

"You won't."

"How sure are you about that Vettel?"

"I won't let you die."

"Maybe you should. I'm no good Vettel."

"I won't."

"Too bad."

"Shut up Riv.." he says laughing and I shrug as he starts driving again.

"Oh well, I gave you a choice." I murmur and he rolls his eyes.

"So what awesome thing are we going to do today that'll make me want to live."

"I've decided that we'll focus on the little things. Afterall it's the little things that matters."

"Like what?"

"Going on adventures with friends. The future.." he begins but I cut him off.

"One,I don't have friends, just Elle and two my darling Vettel, the future is a very very big thing." I say and he chuckles

   "You've got me." He says and I hum



"C'mon Riv,what is it?"

"I've got you for fifty days only and then you're gone." I finally say before turning the radio up.

   Sighing, he turns it down staring at me while I look at everything else but him.

   "Wanna play a game?" He asks and I nod.

"I'll ask thirty questions, you'll answer them truthfully, you get five passes." He says and I nod.

   "How old are you?"

"Seventeen. You're nineteen right?"

"Yeah.  Birthday?"

"Nineteenth of July. This is basic.. how about you?"

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