Day 5 [Part II]

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    My ears are ringing when I wake up, high pitched annoying ringing. Looking around, I try to figure out where I was.

  "You're finally awake.. bummer." Sebastian says as he walks into the room and sits down on a chair glaring at me. What have I done wrong again?

   "Where are we Vettel?" I ask trying to sit up but a sharp pain forces me to stay still.

    "Where does it look we are Riveria?" He retorts scowling.

Forcing myself to sit up despite the sharp pain in my head, I look around; we were at the hospital.

"How'd I get here?"

"I brought you here."


"You tell me."

"I'm getting real tired of your games Vettel." I snap angrily.

"You've got to be kidding me." He mutters getting up angrily running his fingers through his hair.

   "My games really? You're the one who can't keep an agreement for a week. We agreed that you'll give me fifty days to convince you to live. But it's like everytime I turn my back you're doing something to break that arrangement."

"What are you getting at Vettel?"

"You keep looking for ways to break the deal River. If you're not self harming, you're getting beat up by your..." He begins but I cut him off with a slap.

  "Leave now Vettel." I said softly and he looks up at me brows raised.

"You heard me Vettel, leave." I say again and he goes back to sit down on the chair and folds his arms.


"I don't want you here, so leave."

"No. Not until you tell me why you tried to kill yourself today."

"Go on,say something." He challenges and I glare at him.

"I didn't try to kill myself."

"You jumped from your bedroom window, it's a miracle you managed to not crack your skull when you fell. What do you call that River?" He sneers and I look away.

"You broke your end of the deal River, and I'm not leaving till you tell me why." He says getting up from the chair and walking towards the bed.

   "I don't owe you any explanation. You have no right to demand for any from me." I argue and he gives a short laugh.

    "That's where you're wrong cupcake. I have the right to an explanation because we had a deal, because I found you and had to go through it again, because I was the one that brought you here all the while praying that you're not dead. So I'll advise you to start talking Riveria. And talk fast." He growled

  "I didn't try to kill myself Vettel and that's the truth, if you don't believe me that's on you." I snap beginning to match his anger.

"Then what happened, because you keep saying that you didn't when everything points to the fact that you did..." He begins but I cut him off

    "I was trying to escape him." I mutter and he pauses turning back to look at me.

"Escape who Riv?"

"You don't know him. He's from my past life."

"What past life?

"The one I had before I decided to be a ghost."

  "Why were you trying to escape him?" He asks and I chew on my lower lip..

"He's dangerous. I didn't know back then when we started hanging out then but later on it began to show and things got complicated real quick and separating from him came at a high price... now he's mad." I answer avoiding going into details.

   "How's he involved in what happened today?" He asks looking at me and I turn away, unable to hold his gaze.

    "He showed up this morning when I was coming to meet you at our usual spot, and he wanted me to invite him inside...b-but I couldn't..I-I wouldn't.." I begin hating how I was stuttering as I recalled the morning incident.

"And?" Sebastian urges

"I locked the door and he got mad and started kicking it threatening to shoot it off, I knew that he would. He never bluffs. And he did, as I locked my room door, I could hear him shoot the lock off the front door." I continue looking up at Sebastian to see if he's listening and he nods.

      "He later got into my room, and I knew that was the only way to avoid being killed by him because he was ready to kill me there. He said so, that's why I jumped. Normally I'd have made the jump but I wasn't steady enough." I finish and he looks at me.

"So you mean you just wanted to escape from some psycho that you used to know?" He asks and I nod.

     "I'm not lying Vettel." I say, my voice taking a defensive tone

"I never said that you were."

"You don't have to, your expression says it all."

"I want to believe you Riv but I can't." He says reaching for my hand but I draw it back.

   "And why can't you? I'm telling the truth!" I yell and he sighs dropping his gaze before looking at me again.

    "Because they were two police officers at your house. Did you know that?"  He says but it's more or less a sort of challenge.

"There was no one at my house when it happened or before it happened. Moreover what did the officers come to do there? Have a stakeout?"  I queried and he gives a grim smile.

    "A neighbour called that she was hearing loud noises coming from your place. It sounded like someone was in danger." He begins but I cut him off

"See, even the neighbour knew." I say triumphantly

"You don't understand River, when they arrived, your front door was open not kicked down. A lot of things were Inn disarray your room door was merely jammed not locked and the officers were trying to get you to climb down from your window. There was nobody there Riv, just you." He finishes and I shake my head

    "No. He was there, Marcus was there and he was pointing a gun and he was going to shoot. I know he was going to shoot so I had to jump. You've got to believe me Vettel, he was there!" I please trying to place all that had happened.

     "Riv, River.." Sebastian calls but I don't reply already on a one woman rant.

"He was there, I saw him! I heard him! This is probably part of his game, to make me look crazy..." I continue trying to get up from my bed but Sebastian's holding me down.

  "Riv, try and calm down." He murmurs in my ear as he envelopes me in a hug..

"Listen to my heart beat Riv, focus on it as you steady yourself.." he continues and I do as he says listening to the steady beating of his heart till I'm calm.

   "So if Marcus wasn't really there, what then happened?" I mumbled into his chest and his arms holds me tighter as he rests his head on my shoulder.

   "You're schizophrenic Riv." He states in a tone that doesn't give me a chance to deny or accept it.

"And you've probably been substituting your drugs with cigarettes so much that when Marcus showed up, you couldn't process what's real and what's imagined." He finishes and I disentangle from him.

    "How did you find out?" I ask him and he shrug shifting back.

"My mum used to be a psychologist so I picked up some things and then what happened today confirmed it." He explained


"So..." He copies me grinning.

"What happens now Vettel?"

"I want a new agreement Riv." He states and I look at him, surprised that he's still staying.

"What do you mean a new deal?"

"You'll tell me all. Everything I need to know to be able to help you."

"Or? You'll walk,?"

   "No, walking away means that you get to kill yourself and that I've failed. And I don't think I can walk away from you Riveria.."

50 Reasons To Live.  Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora