Day 3 (Part II)

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         "Meet up after school." Sebastian says as he stops at my usual stop and I raise a brow because although it feels like a question I know that it's a statement and I shrug grabbing my things.

        "Please." He says and I grin "That wasn't so hard was it?" I ask and he simply rolls his eyes as I climb out.

       Waving he drives off and I place a cigarette between my lips and light it when he comes back and I raise a brow "What now?" I ask and he stretched till he's leaning out of the passenger seat.

       "Come here." He says gesturing with his hand and I raise a brow "Please Riv, come." He says and exhaling I move towards him and stretching his hand he grabs me so that I'm pressed onto the car door.

     So from watching lots of cliche movies I realise that this is the part where he kisses me and say that he's falling in love with me...I'm not ready for this to happen..I repeat I'm not ready..

     "Ocean to River, Riveria?!" I hear Sebastian say and I snap out of my thoughts to see Sebastian's face too close to mine.

        "You have broken my personal space bubble." I huff stepping back and he laughs, "You're cute when you space out and have this funny look on your face." He says grabbing my hand and I look down knowing that I was about to do it again.

          "Hey it's okay, Rome wasn't built in a day you know?" He says tipping my chin up. Taking the lit cigarette from my hand he throws in into a puddle.

          "I forgot to give this to you." He says pressing an envelope into my hands and I chuckle, "Another Polaroid?" I ask and he grins moving back into the drivers side and unlocking the door.

      "C'mon get in." He says and I shake my head "I'm a ghost." I say and he frowns "And?" He asks "People seeing me with you will compromise that status." I say and he scoffs.

      "I'm sure it became compromised the moment we danced in the club cupcake." He says folding his arms and I  blink rapidly feeling a panic attack seeping in.

      " you mean by that?" I ask and he shrugs "I think Elle posted a picture of us yesterday but it's kind of everywhere. " He says and I shake my head.

         "How are you so calm about this? This... this is bad." I say pacing and unzipping my hoodie has it ever been this hot? I thought we're in winter...has my heart been so loud and fast? I think as my thoughts start racing...

    "River why is it so bad for people to know who you are?" I hear Seb say and taking a huge gulp of breath I turn to stare at him.

        "Because I'm not you Sebastian,I'm not Raymond and I'm certainly not Elena." I say and he frowns "What does not being us have to do with this?" He asks and I shake my head.

         "Because they know that. I'm going to become a prey! I'm going to be a white meat! they'll come after me.." I shout and by now I've taken off me hoodie and was busy trying to unbutton my shirt... I needed to take it off, it was beginning to suffocate me.

         A car door slams somewhere but I don't think about that, my mind is focusing on a mental image of me crouched on the floor bleeding.

         "Riveria nobody will come for you, you won't be a white meat or a prey either, I'll protect you." Sebastian says but I shake my head.

         Grabbing my arms, he tightens his hold on me and presses his forehead against mine.
      "Listen to me River, nobody will come for you, they won't dare because Raymond will protect, Elena will protect you and most especially I will protect you." He says and I swallow, my heart still beating fast and loud.

       "You've got to ride this out River, focus on my voice and breath okay?" He says and I close my eyes trying to do as he said.

       "You won't be a white meat okay?" He says as my breath comes out in short gasps as I slowly ride out the short panic attack till I'm done.

     "Seb?" I call out in a small voice and he looks at me, "I think I'm going to be sick." I say and he looks around before guiding me to a grassy hair and holding up my hair while I spill out the content of my stomach.

        "Done?" He asks and my answer is to puke some more, while I'm puking I realise that Sebastian has been rubbing small circles on my back.

    "I think I'm done now." I say and he hands me a water bottle and I rinse my mouth, when I'm done he hands me a breath mint which I accept gratefully.

     "I'm so cold." I mutter and he chuckles but stops when I glare at him and he quickly hands me my hoodie and I put it back on after rebuttoning my shirt.

     Putting my bag in his car he helps me into the passenger seat and locks the door before turning around and getting in and starting the car.

       Opening the envelope I see a picture of I and Elle, we're both laughing and I turn it around to read what he wrote.

    Number two reason why River should live; To get drunk and dance the night away in a club."

        Putting in inside my bag I close my eyes "I meant what I said." Sebastian suddenly says "Huh?" I murmur not willing to say anything that's more than a word.

        "I meant it when I said I'll protect you." He says and I sigh "Promise?" I ask for some absurd reason that I do not know of.

           "Promise." He says before turning on the radio and continue driving.
The drive is peaceful until the snarky voice in my head decides she doesn't like peace.

       "Hey wasn't this the part where he kisses you and declares he's love for you?" She reminds me and I fill my face flush... "Shut up.." I mutter back in my head "Ha!! Tip for next time, if you want a kiss ask for one.." she says in her know it all tone.

  Kindly cue in internal screaming...

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