Day 4 (Part ii)

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        "Riv...Riv c'mon don't do this to me..Riv." I heard someone call, but it sounded so faraway, as long as it was that far I wasn't going to answer, I think.

   Then someone's shaking me roughly and I feel pain shoot through my body and I try to control it like I've learnt, closing my eyes tight as I try to control my breathing but it's getting harder to breath.

     "What did you do now?" I hear someone that sounds like Elle asks, the voice now closer. Forcing myself to fully wake up, I reach under my bed for my painkillers.

      "Nothing I just tapped her.." another voice says and I open my eyes to see Sebastian and Ray in front of me while Elle's by the door.

     "Why are you all here? Did something happen?" I ask looking at them as I throw the painkillers into my mouth and swallow.

"Yeah. Apparently something happened to you." Ray says moving back to stand near Elle.

     "In school," I ask turning to Elle who's looking grim, "Did anyone say anything bad about me there?" I ask wondering if my mystery texter is in school.

"Stop it River!" Sebastian suddenly shouts angrily and I wince at the pain that shoots through my head "You're covered in bruises and up to few minutes ago you were burning up. I'm trying to understand you so I'll know how to help you but you're not making it easy." He continues and I cross my arms immediately regretting it.

   "What are you trying to help her with?" Ray asks and Elle tsks.

"I think it's time we let them know." She says turning to look at me and I shake my head no.

"C'mon Riv, what if it was worse than this? What if you got internal bleeding or something. It's been three years now River." She says moving closer to me till she's sitting near me on the bed.

    "I can't say it," I mutter feeling tears rolling down by face as I rest my head on her shoulder.

"You shouldn't have shouted man, now she's crying." Ray murmurs nudging Sebastian who's raking his hair with his fingers.

    "Say what?" He asks staring at I and Elle, not saying anything I reach under my bed for a cigarette and lighter before I get up from the bed and start leaving the room.

     "Riv!" Elle calls and I shake my head

"I can't be here when you tell them."

"Tell us what?" Sebastian presses

"That her stepmother hits her." Elle says softly and Ray and Sebastian both turn to stare at me and I avoid their gaze as I leave my room.

  I sat down on the couch eating a defrosted pizza waiting for them to come out instead only Sebastian comes out. Rather than entering the living room, he leans by the door post watching me.

     "Whatever you say, don't tell me that you're sorry. I don't need your pity," I mumbled and he nods.

"You need help yes, but pity..I don't think you've ever needed it," he says

"So why are you doing it? The whole fifty days thing?" I ask and he juts my jaw up so I'm looking at him

  "Because you Riveria, haven't lived enough to die yet." He answers as he uses his thumbs to wipe my tears.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks and I shrug

"It'll be good for you.."

" She only does it when she's drunk, that's why I know that she doesn't mean it."

"Don't make excuses for her Riv."

  " I'm not. She's my mother, she won't willingly hurt me. She's just struggling with her addiction to the bottle."

"Elle called her your stepmother,"

"She is. But she's the only mother I've ever had."

"Your real mother.." he begins but I cut him off

"Left. Don't apologies for it."

"When did she start hitting you?"

"Three years ago. After dad died."


"Drop it, it's exhausting." I say and he nods.

   "I need to clean up your injuries again." he suddenly announces and I raise a brow

"Elle can do it."

"She's too angry to do so."

"I can do it."

"Raise your hand Riv." He challenges knowing fully well that I can't do so without being in pain.

   "C'mon let's go." He says getting up and stretching his arm out for support and I take it, wincing as he pulls me up.

  In the bathroom,he leans against the door waiting and I raise a brow

"You've got to take your shirt off." He says and I nod toying with the hem of it and he chuckles.

"What?" I snap

"I mean this in a non sexual way but I've seen you topless before." He answers and I roll my eyes before taking off my shirt.

   Waiting for him and he still remains motionless, I look up at him and see his face darkened with anger.

"Seb.." I call and he looks up at me

"You have to report her River." He growls and I shake my head.

  " Please, you have too, you're covered in bruises so much that I can barely see any normal skin, she's got to be put away." He argues and I shake my head

   "No. Are you going to help me press these or not?" I ask and he leaves his post to grab a washcloth and fill a basin with hot water.

"Isn't it supposed to be cold water or ice?" I ask and he shakes his head

"My Nonna uses hot water first before she uses cold. Trust me it works." he says rolling up his sleeves as he moves behind me.

  "This will hurt at first." He warns as he places the cloth on my back and I jump

"Try sting." I hiss and he laughs

I've come to realise that I like hearing Sebastian laugh, but that's not important..

"How did this happen?" He asks softly and I lift my shoulder in a light shrug.

   "Sometimes Ashley, mum asks me to empty the alcohol bottles and fill them with water so she doesn't drink. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't. Yesterday it didn't and this is outcome." I say softly that it's almost a whisper.

     "Do you ever fight back?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Why? You don't seem like the type to let someone beat you without a fight."

"Because I deserve it"

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