Day 3 (Part III)

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A:N Long chapter up ahead, enjoy :)

         "Riv I'm sorry." Elle says and I shrug "What's done is done."  I say and she pouts "Forgive me?" She asks and I sigh "This ghost hasn't got any choice, you're my only friend." I say and she grins..

        "So what's Sebby then?" She asks and I frown, "Who's Sebby?" I asks and she nudges me "Vettel.." she says in a sing song voice and I glare at her "We're just friends." I say and she grins "Uh huh.." She says and I roll my eyes.

          "Yo Riv! We gotta go now." Sebastian calls out and everyone turns to stare at me  and I quickly wear my hood as Elle giggles by my side.

       "I can see you, even with that giant hoodie, now c'mon let's go." He  calls out again and I groan "Elle stand behind me so people will see you instead of me." I whisper and she shakes her head.

          "Why?" I ask and she motions with her head "Because I'm already here." Sebastian says and I frown, "I thought we were going to meet up after school?" I question and he rolls his eyes.

         "School's over genius." He says and I frown  "I was going to meet you in the parking lot, not you shouting my name for the entire school to know!" I say and he chuckles "They already know your name cupcake, haven't you checked social media?" He asks and I squint at him, "The thought of seeing my picture everywhere makes me feel like I'm going to have a heart attack." I say

      "And the looks everyone's been giving me makes me feel like I showed up naked."  I say and he laughs along with Elle while I glare at both of them.

           "C'mon let's go." He says tugging my hand and I frown "I'm still busy with Elle." I say and she quickly steps back "We're done here, I'll see you later." She says all but throwing me into Sebastian Vettel's arm, waving quickly and walking off.

              "Traitor!!!" I shout at her retreating form "Love you too ghostie." She shouts back. "Come on now ghost we've got a place to be." He says pulling me along and I roll my eyes.

       "Easy there Tiger, valuable cargo remember?" I say and he releases his hold a bit as we reach his car and I sigh in relief as we get in and he moves to the drivers side and starts the car as he drives away.

       "Where are we going?" I ask closing my eyes "Who's your favourite author?" He asks and I open an eyelid "It's rude to answer a question with another question." I say but he just shrugs.

     " I don't have, I read anything from Patricia Cornwell, John Grisham, Nora Roberts down to Maggie stiefvater, Stephanie Myers and Rochelle Meade." I say and he nods "That's really cool." He says and I shrug.

        "What about you?" I ask and he shrugs "I prefer classics so I'll say the Bronte sisters, Oliver Goldsmith, sometimes even Shakespeare." He says and I nod "Wuthering Heights is your favourite then?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Jane Eyre then?" I ask and he nods.

        "I'm guessing Wuthering Heights is your favourite?" He asks and I wrinkle my nose "Not when they're books like Anne of Green gables, Huckleberry Finn and What Katie Did." He says and he glances at me.

         "What?" I ask and he shakes his head "You just seem to keep on surprising me whenever I think I've figured you out." He says and I give a content sigh "That's me full of surprises." I say and we continue the drive in silence.

         "We're here." He says after an hour or so of driving and I open my eyes  "Cafe et Cahier." I read out "Yeah, it's  a mix of English and French that forms Cafe and Book when translated." He says and the snarky part of me wants to tell him that I knew that already but he looked so excited explaining it to me so I simply bit my tongue.

         "C'mon let's go in." He says locking up his car and linking his arms with mine as we walk to the entrance "Get ready to have your mind blown away." He says and I nod about to say something sarcastic but it dies in my throat the moment we step in.

       "Woah." is all I can say as I take in the place, every where from top to bottom is lined with shelves of books. "Told you." He says tugging me towards a booth.

        "So what do you feel like reading today?" He asks and I shrug "Thriller." I say and he turns to the lady at the booth.
       "I reserved space 12 by the Thriller shelves under the name Vettel." He says and the woman nods before smiling at him and handing him a map.

      "How'd you know that I'll want to read a thriller?" I ask and he shrugs "I didn't, I simply reserved spaces in the top ten genres." He says following the map before stopping.

        "That's our spot." He says pointing up and I frown "How are we going to stay in a shelf and read, I thought there's a cafe somewhere here?" I ask and he chuckles "Look around babes." He says and ignoring the stupid nickname I look around.

       That's when I notice that the booths were built into the shelves. "Wow." I murmur my eyes going wide and I hear a camera click and I turn to frown at him, "You looked to cute to not have that picture taken." He says grinning.

         "So our booth is up there?" I ask and he nods "How we going to get all the way there?" I ask and he steps onto a sort of low swing and holds his hands out to me.

     Another thing you should know about me, I don't trust things that I've never been on before so I didn't trust whatever this swing thing was.

       "C'mon don't you trust me?" Seb asks and I frown " I don't trust you enough especially with this ropey swingy thing." I say and he holds out his hand.

      "Then trust me with the little that this is safe " he says and I frown, "That makes absolutely no sense." I say.

      "River.." he begins and I sigh, holding his hands and stepping into it. "Hold on tight now." He say ringing a bell and the swing thingy goes up so fast that I loose my breath...I always thought I'd loose my breath over someone not something...but oh well..

        "We're here already you can let me go now." Sebastian whispers and I open my eyes to see that we're at the entrance of the shelf booth and I let him go "Sorry." I mumble but he shrugs it off.

          "Cookie." I say noticing the huge bowl of cookie on the table and I bite into one, "This is pure heaven." I mutter and he laughs.

        "Pick the book you want to read." He says pointing to the stack of books and I go through them before selecting one.

        Lying comfortably on the plushie I take in the scent of the new book and hear another click as I start reading but I ignore it.

      Minutes pass, probably hours but it felt like minutes to me and Sebastian leans close, the stupid lady in my head makes kissing noises.

     "Reason why you should live, to have fun finding new places like this and because their no books in the afterlife." He whispers in my ear , he's close enough that I can feel the hotness of his breath.

          Squeezing my hand he goes back to his book and the lady sits down frowning "So no kiss?" She asks and I slap her mentally...

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