Day 1 (Part III)

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       "C'mon just one picture." Sebastian says and I frown "I don't want a picture." I say through a stuffed mouth, "Pleaaassseeee." He pleads and I swallow before staring at him.

      "Puppy eyes don't work for me." I say and he blinks them at me; who am I kidding, those puppy eyes definitely work on me.

    Sighing I dust my body and glare at him "Fine, take the stupid picture." I say and he grins "Not now, I want one that shows the real you." He says before pulling me up.

        "What now?" I ask and he frowns "We're by the ocean." He says in a duh tone and I turn around to look at my surroundings. "Really I didn't notice." I say sarcastically rolling my eyes.

       "Come on we're going to the waters." He says dragging me "I don't want to." I say but he doesn't listen till I'm deep in the waters; okay just my ankles are deep in the waters.

       Bending Sebastian flicks water at me and I glared at him "Stop it." I say instead he moves back and flicks more on me "Fine, you better be ready to loose." I call out moving into the water and flicking it at him furiously. Did I mention that when given a chance I become really competitive?

     "Do you give up?" I call out to Sebastian who's soaking wet "Never!" He calls back throwing water at me and I retaliate. We continue till we're both drenched, "Fine I surrender!" Sebastian calls out and I grin before we both leave  the water.

        "How long have we been here?" I ask as Sebastian dries off like a dog. "Two hours, school's still on." He says heading towards the blanket and rummaging through it.

      "Here take off your wet shirt and put this on." He says handing me a large shirt and I shake my head, "No I'm good." I say remembering the bruises on my skin.

      "River you're going to catch a cold. I won't look I promise." He says holding the shirt out to me but still I shake my head "It'll dry on me." I say and he sighs.

      "Stop being so stubborn and take the shirt." He says getting angry; well two can play. "I'm not being stubborn." I say my tone matching his "Then what do you call what you're being?" He asks and I glared "Self reliant." I say and he narrows his eyes.

       "River don't let me make you wear it forcefully." He says and I scoff "I'd love to see you try." I say and he raises a brow "Really?" He questions and I hum looking up.

        "Riveria last chance, take the shirt or I'll wear it on you." He says and I look up at him "Yeah right." I say till I notice him moving closer to me.

        I move back quickly but he catches up, damn his stupid long legs, glaring I take few more steps back but he moves closer, knowing I wasn't going to win this whole taking step back thing I decide to do something else; RUN.

      Just as I turn around to do so, Sebastian arms snakes around me, "Not so fast cupcake." He says pulling me down to the ground before using his feets to hold me in place.

        "Let me go." I say struggling against him "In a minute." He says raising my arms up "You're hurting me." I grit out, "I'm not even applying force." He says; sure he wasn't applying force but still it hurt.

       "Almost done.." he begins before he suddenly goes quiet and I know that he's seen them; the bruises.

       "Don't ask." I say as he legs loosen up and I get up snatching the shirt from his arms and putting it on.

       "I wasn't." He say as he takes off his shirt and I almost forget how to stand. I knew he had like real defined abs because it was obvious when his shirt was sticking on him like a second skin but without the shirt it was beeyoootiful;  focus lady you're angry at him for manhandling you; him not his abs; focus River, focus!

         Buttoning up the shirt he turns to look at me and eyes my jeans, "Those are wet too." He says and I glare at him "Hard or easy way?" He asks and I frown before sliding them down my legs and off my body; the shirt was long enough to be turned into a gown and no I'm not short, Sebastian Vettel is just freakishly long.

          Sitting back down on the blanket, I glare at him as he drops next to me and looks up "Tell me something I don't know about you." He says and I sit up shrugging "I'm hungry."  I say and he rolls his eyes.

        "That's been obvious from all the noises your stomach has been making." He says as he brings out the pack of dried fruits.

        "So something I don't know about you, I'll trade you one." He says and I sigh, "I collect old music." I say and he frowns "What for? Do you like them?" He asks "I don't like them, I'm doing it for someone." I say and he nods.

        "Your turn." I say and he rubs his face, "Let's see, my hair isn't naturally straight. I straighten it every morning." He says and I scoff "No way!" I say and he points to his head which true to his word have become a curly mess.

          "I'm picturing you in a pink robe straightening your hair." I say laughing and he glares but starts laughing too, before I hear the click of a camera, "Now this is more like it." He says grinning as he lies down back.

         "We've got thirty minutes left, let's talk." He says and I shrug, lying down back and throwing dried fruits into my mouth as Sebastian begins the conversation.

          "You set?" He asks and I nod as I tied my laces and walks towards him "So where to?" He asks and I shrug "School. I've got to grab my stuff then  meet up with Elle." I say and he looks at his watch, "School's been over for almost a minute and there's no practice today Ray would've probably gone home." He says and I frown.

       "I could give you a ride there." He says and I frown at him "What?" He asks and I shrug "Why are you being nice?" I ask and he folds his arms "I've always been nice." He says as we walk to his car.

       "No you're not nice, you run the fricking school!" I say and he turns around to stare at me "And?" He snaps  "People like you aren't nice." I say and there's a long pause "What do you mean people like me?" He asks teresly and I shrug "You know in the in clique, the highfliers..." I say and he continues walking till we reach the car.

       "Just get in and be quiet, because last I checked people like you kept quiet and minded their business." He snaps as we both get in and he starts driving.

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