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now ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: goodnight chicago by rainbow kitten surprise ───────────────────────────────◄◄▐▐ ►►⠀⠀ 1:15/ 3:52


Close Friends Instagram Story by @harrystyles

Close Friends Instagram Story by @harrystyles

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Emerson's presence is calming. From the second I walked into her house, I felt at ease, like I could let my guard down for once. The bright colors and plants that surround me with the smell of freshly cooked food are refreshingly ordinary and homely. I catch myself staring at her as she finishes her dinner—it is hard not to look at her. She is everything I imagined she'd be after months of interacting with her at the coffee shop, and her home fit her to a t.

"That was excellent," I say, leaning back against the soft chair.

"It was pretty damn good, wasn't it?" She agrees a bright grin on her face and a twinkle in her blue eyes. "Do you want more wine?"

"Always, yes. What kind is this?" I ask as she fills my glass.

"It's a Montrachet from William's vineyard. He always gives me a box of it for Christmas."

"Delicious." I take a sip and look around for the ball of energy that is Frank, "Where's the dog?"

"Probably on the couch in my room. Let's go find him." She stands up, glass in hand, and beckons me to follow her.

Her room is full of plants like the rest of the house but more understated. The dominant color in the room is white, and it feels clean and relaxing. It is spotless, the only thing out of place was Frank.

"There's my boy!" She coos at the dog, who is sprawled on a white couch against the wall of her room. I pull my phone out and take a picture of him. The sight is too funny not to document.

"Come, buddy, let's go watch a movie with Harry." She scratches his ears, then turns to me, "That is if you can stay?" I can't help but notice a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Depends on what movie we watch," I grin.

"Oh, do we have a movie snob on our hands?" Emerson teases as we walk back through her house into the living room. "I was thinking of watching Bird Box actually, I haven't seen it yet, and Chelsea has been tormenting me about it."

"I haven't seen that either. I'm great with watching that!" I sit down on the green velvet couch, and Frank immediately jumps up onto my lap.

"Frank!" Emerson scolds, "You're crushing him, move over here!" she pats the couch next to her, but he did not budge.

"He's really fine, I don't mind cuddling with him."

"Well, if he gets too heavy, don't be afraid to push him off," She says, lifting her glass to her lips and switching the TV on. Before she hit play, she gets up from the couch and retrieves the bottle of wine from the table, and grabs a box of cookies out of her pantry.

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