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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Mood Rings by Lorde ───────────────⚪───────────
◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 2:00/ 4:08 ⠀

"Now all of my oceans have riptides can't seem to find what's wrong the whole world is letting me down..."


instagram story by emersonaldridge

 instagram story by emersonaldridge

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The sun shines through my white curtains, showering my bed in early morning light and warming my face. I pull my comforter up over my head, wishing for another hour of sleep but knowing my alarm will blare through the silence momentarily. Frank is curled up at my feet, so I pat the bed next to me, inviting him up to cuddle with me before my day starts. The next few moments are peaceful, with Frank licking my hand and the golden sunlight covering us both. He lays on his back and starts panting, happy to have my attention.

"Good morning, buddy," I whisper while scratching his ears. He stretches his legs out pressing against my legs and yawns.

I close my eyes again and take in the quiet, knowing it will be the last I will have until the end of my workday. When my alarm goes off as I knew it would, I roll out of bed to make a cup of coffee. I catch a glimpse of my blonde hair in the mirror and know a shower will be immediately necessary before my shift begins at the coffee shop. I pour my coffee into a cup, carry it into my bathroom, and set it on the counter before starting my shower. I strip my clothes off and step under the showerhead. The hot water pours over my back, and I turn so my face on s in the stream pouring from the spout. I take my time massaging my shampoo and conditioner into my scalp and sudsing up my body.

Once I am out of the shower with dry hair, I have only 35 minutes to get to work. I rush out of the bathroom over to my closet, trip over a pair of shoes on my floor, and put on a pair of ripped jeans, a black tee, and my black Dr. Martens with some gold hoops and my favorite rings. As I run back into the bathroom, I knock over my coffee cup that was a still sitting on the counter and break the mug. I slam my hand against the counter in frustration.

"Gotta be fucking kidding me," I mutter, throwing a towel over the mess and picking up the big shards of glass. Instead of wiping up the mess on the floor, I shut the door to my bathroom so Frank can't get into it while I am gone. Typical for me to make a mess before I leave for the day.

"Frank, wanna eat?" I say as I walk  into the kitchen. My dog hops off the couch where he was sitting and follows me over to his food dispenser. I pour two scoops into his bowl, then leave him to eat so I can put on makeup before leaving for my 10 hour day.

It is 8:45 when I finish my makeup, so I have 4 minutes to spare before I absolutely must to leave for work. I scarf down a cup of yogurt and grab an apple to eat on my walk to work. At 8:49 exactly, I rush out the door, shouting farewell to Frank as I leave, and praying he won't tear anything up while I am gone. The walk to work is about ten minutes long, and the views on the way are incredible. Living and working right on the beach is a nice change of pace for me after living in Western New Jersey for 4 years of my life.

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