Chapter 26 - "I Wish You A Very Intimate Night"

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"Don't ever come back!"

It was the last thing Dad had yelled at me this morning; our first exchange following my outburst. I'd buried the memory, collected the broken pieces of my heart, and attended classes today—bickered—as if everything was normal; that I was fine.

I was used to it, really. Keeping face when my world was falling apart in the background. Because Mom always smiled, because she insisted I enjoy life to the fullest, I thought being the Shiina I was when she was still around would make her happy. But now that I looked back on it, maybe it wasn't Mom who I was trying to pretend for. It was society itself.

Life didn't wait for anyone.

You weren't supposed to grieve forever. Couldn't mope when that was all you wanted to do. Things I used to say, things I wanted to say, I had to withhold because society wouldn't forgive me otherwise.

Dad bringing Chie home. Her living with us, and donning the role Mom used to. Their engagement.

It didn't matter how I felt. Throwing tantrums wouldn't bring Mom back. Our daily lives I took for granted were long gone. They'd never return.

The truth was a tough pill to swallow. Always would be so long as I kept living.



"I've been wondering this for a while. . . You a cat magnet or something?"

Igarashi craned his neck my way, but the three cats surrounding his tiny body cuddled up to him further.

After school, we'd ditched Koshiba so we could hang out and discuss the formation of our band free of interruption. At least, that was our intention. But after arriving at a vacant park, and I'd taken a seat on a nearby bench, it only took approximately one distracted head turn for Igarashi to get swarmed.

"That's a pretty accurate way to put it," he replied. Masking a wide grin, he coddled them equally in return. "I don't know what it is. Ever since I was little, I'll be minding my business and they'll appear out of nowhere. Maybe it's that: I'm too irresistible."

"Or you're as small as them so they don't see you as a threat," I countered.

He glowered at me. "Piss off. I'll have you know I've grown another millimetre these past few months."

"A whole millimetre? Wow. Does Igarashi want a cracker?"

His hostility rose another notch. The reaction resembled a cat entirely; the only thing he was missing was his fur standing on all ends, and some hissing.

Shrugging, I departed the bench and crouched beside him.

Most had collars, some were stray, further increasing my awe. It certainly was bizarre. No matter the circumstance, they naturally found their way to him. What was so attractive about him? As far as I was aware, Igarashi had nothing I couldn't upstage.

"Meowww," mewled one.

My lungs caved from the cuteness. I reached out to pet it, only to have it swat my hand away. It then hopped onto Igarashi's lap, curling up there.

Igarashi snorted.

My jaw had plummeted.


I didn't get it. What did he have that I didn't?

"This is what you get for downplaying my handsomeness." Igarashi simpered, running his hand through its silky brown fur. "Cat or not, lots of girls would kill to get this close to me."

"Gross," I mumbled sourly.

Igarashi's self-satisfied smirk widened. As he continued to snuggle up to the cats, them conceding contentedly, he cooed, "You still say that after this? C'mon. I know you're jealous."

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