Red Cancer

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To say that UA-3846 had been partially disappointed by the lack of bacterial activity near his position in the body the previous day was simply to report the truth of the situation.

Sure, when his father apologized and promised to try another day he just agreed.

It wasn't his father's fault that neurons kept the body quarantined, away from the outside world, and sitting almost ninety percent of the time in front of a computer when it was the moment to sleep. Given this, the family decided to return home to rest.

And today, UA-3846, now in his new uniform similar to his mother's one but with a white shirt, was waiting his turn to begin delivering oxygen.

Maybe... hopefully, a bacteria would cross paths with him while he was doing his job.

He at least reflected that it was good to know that the neurons in this body wanted to ensure that the Covid virus didn't have the slightest chance of entering this world.

The thing was that... after learning a lot about the outside world... UA-3846 knew it was not the most appealing of places.

New memories crossed his mind


That day was one of those days when macrophage teachers allowed their students to rest.

There were simply no classes today.

Confronted with this situation, UA-3846, now a bit older, had an idea of what he wanted to do to spend some time having fun.

AM-2432 was out playing with her friends, so he had two options. Stay in the classroom doing nothing, probably studying a lot of stuff he already knew very well, an idea that made him sigh in boredom... or perhaps...

A grin appeared on his face as he pulled the gold card out of his pocket and pressed a button on it.

It didn't take too long until T-Killer cells appeared inside the room by using their migration.

"Follow us." They had serious stares, nothing to be surprised about since they worked directly for the neuronal cells, it was wholly natural that they did not denote many emotions.

Their job was to be professionals.

The two cells transported him, without complications and even a single cell noticing, to the place where his other friend was.

The problem is that they only led him to the entrance of the brain... not directly to LM-4321.

UA-3846 walked through the corridors full of computers without having much idea where to go... just like his mother during her rookie days.

Did he have to advance more rows of computers?... or should he go back?...

His answer came when, taking a quick look at the computer number of a neuron next to him, he received the revelation that the name of that neuron was...


"Dammit..." he said, clenching his teeth in frustration.

He assumed a lot of things... perhaps he had been left in a different part of the brain by mistake, maybe he was simply an idiot and he hadn't paid enough attention and made a mistake when he walked to the left some time ago... or something... whatever the cause... he was screwed up.

By the time, with the help of another neuron that showed him the way, he finally found his friend, UA-3846 could only curse how much quality time he could have wasted thanks to him inheriting some of that bad sense of direction from his mother.

The Meaning Of The Life: UA-3846 The HybridWhere stories live. Discover now