Red Cancer's Power

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The training for new Killer-T and NK cells was still as brutal as it ever had been.

It didn't matter that the body had experienced an incredibly long time of general peace from the perspective of non-neural cells, the body's defense commanders refused to want to let its guard down at all. Especially considering that not all the health threats had to come from the outside world.

NK-7436 was TOO grateful that her trainers had shown her no mercy given the situation she found herself in.

If only her radio hadn't been destroyed after that attack, she might have been able to immediately call for reinforcements and start the hunt against that abomination.

A cancerous hand grabbed her legs, to which she screamed as she was lifted at high speed before that hand caused her to crash to the ground. She took out a knife from the small bag that she always carried thanks to her belt and proceeded to cut off that hand before she was impacted against some other wall or floor once more.

More misshapen hands approached her... to which she responded, after landing on top of a house, by repelling them by raising her right leg and kicking, then jumping forward with some impulse by her left leg, then kicking it again.

At the same time, her left fist deflected another hand with a single blow. Cancer, for his part, had to admit that he was impressed. Given the strength of his new body, managing to deflect his mutant fists like that was something to be applauded.

And of course he was going to applaud.

With her being crushed in the process.

NK-7436 quickly understood what Cancer wanted to do when two palms were moving toward her while she was in the middle of them.

She then somersaulted backward, and once the applause had been dodged, NK-7436 delivered a strong but accurate blow to each of the hands.

Taking advantage of the distraction this caused on the Cancer cell, she resumed jumping from building to building.

Cancer growled in frustration.

If only he had armies of copies to corner her this would be so much easier.

He began to destroy parts of ceilings by using more force than normal to propel himself when he jumped.

NK-7436 was constantly trying to look down the street to see if she could find any other white cells that could help her.

She had to curse that several neutrophils had decided to take restaurant breaks after such a long period of peace.

Those weaklings were going to doom her!


NK-7436 managed to prevent his hand from grabbing her legs again, but in doing so she did not pay enough attention to her head so an extendable mutant fist coming from above was able to hit her and make her fall against another ceiling.

This was frustrating, at this rate it would take a million years to reach the base of T or NK cells!

It seems that she would have to make use of other techniques.

NK-7436 jumped down, in the direction toward the street... only to grab onto a balcony railing and, without wasting time, entered into it.

"Uh... what's going on?!" asked a normal cell who got scared when his window was smashed.

"No questions asked, evacuate the building or whatever before it's too late!" she instructed him at the same time she grabbed his shirt and forced him to move in direction of the front door.

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