Old People Are Wise And Strong

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The pattern of the day got repeated multiple times, a pattern for which UA-3846 had been training his entire life: Return to the heart to exchange the CO2 for clean oxygen, circulate through the veins, deliver the box to get another CO2 box, and then repeat. The only possible difference was the occasional variation of delivering nutrients instead of oxygen.

How many deliveries had he done that day? he wasn't completely sure if he was honest. The only partially true thing was... he was getting bored. While attempting to discover how fast he could be at reaching the addresses he needed to reach to deliver the stuff had become a personal challenge, the lack of presence of the damn "demons" he had also been training to defeat was now feeling truly disappointing.

After getting a taste of the glory of ripping those bastards off it was almost impossible to not want to experience more, even it was just another little portion of the metaphorical cake... he sighed at this thought but he quickly remembered what LM-4321 would tell him in that situation.

Reality is pretty much indifferent to his desires. He just could not control the factors that determined whether he would be able to fight again or not... so he had to keep moving forward.

He then smiled with optimism as he started to migrate inside the walls or any other location.

There was something he was able to control, and it was the fact of whether he wanted to take a shortcut to his destination or not.

The fact that the "shortcut" ended up with him standing in front of his teacher and "grandmother"'s house was just a coincidence.

Yeah, just a simple and casual coincidence.

UA-3846 did not even have to bother ringing the doorbell. He had been given a copy of the key for the building.

"Ara ara! Who's that handsome young man standing at my door?" Although the few wrinkles had grown visible at her age, Macrophage M-1458 still had that ladylike smile she always displayed during her best days.

UA-3846 rolled his eyes as he rubbed his face... even if there was no real reason to feel ashamed since nobody else was there to see them. "It's me, grandma."

The kind old lady giggled as she approached him. "I knew you'd come. I just did not expect it so soon." She left the mug she was holding on a table and hugged the young hybrid tightly with much love.

This time, instead of reacting badly to the display of love, UA-3846 hugged back.

Strangely, being treated like a child did not bother him... rather, being told fake things was what made him either annoyed or ashamed. He would not say he was horrendous at sight... but he could easily say there was an infinite number of cells twenty thousand times better looking than him.

"Are you hungry?" M-1458, like many grandmothers, enjoyed cooking and feeding her grandson. "I am hungry practically all day." UA-3846 shrugged.

And certainly, M-1458 was happy and fortunate to have a coherent reason why she should continue to feed him.

"Here are your favorite cookies." M-1458 guided him to the table. UA-3846 crossed his arms when he saw the bowl full of chocolate chip cookies. "For some reason that probably has nothing to do with those communicators of us white blood cells... did you know that I was coming?" He raised an eyebrow too, but it didn't take long for him to reach out his hand and start eating.

"These are the same cookies your mother always loved, so I always have at least a few ready since it brings me good memories." The macrophage giggled as she approached another table to grab her kitchen tools.

"Do you want more of those or do you prefer a cake or something?" UA-3846 smiled as he rubbed his chin. "I think a cake would be a good thing for a change." Certainly, it would be nice to eat something other than bacterial remains. It didn't help that the body's quarantined state prevented many types of them from entering the body to be consumed by neutrophils...

The Meaning Of The Life: UA-3846 The HybridWhere stories live. Discover now