Currently having problems writing the next chapter

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I know you people wanna see the next part of the adventures of our hybrid here... but there have been multiple factors that have been making it harder for me. 

First: I'm not enjoying vacations anymore... and let's say the current subjects are being too hard for me so I gotta double my efforts in attempting to get good notes. 

Second: Even in my spare time I now have some extra stuff to do. My brother and I started youtube and twitch channels: BrothersAtGaming (Our videos are in Spanish though) we have not had much success so far, but since we play together we have so much fun. Besides going to record I'm the one in charge of editing the videos so... you see. 

Third: I'm currently having a case of writer's block... it's not so severe, I already have the ideas for what's gonna happen in the next chapter... the problem is connecting them in a way that makes sense and it doesn't feel rushed it's... hard. 

Fourth and final: Somebody thought it was a good moment to show me there's a mod of Metroid Prime Trilogy in which you can play with keyboard and mouse and also my brother said: here, I just bought Smash Bros Ultimate... as you can imagine, when I'm trying to write but I can't I feel that... call of those two things saying: PLAY ME... PLAY ME!

I'm not sure how long it will take for the next one...


As a way demonstrate I'm not going to abandon the story I decided to commission something I'm sure you're all gonna like:






Keep going.




You're almost there...







I had seen some drawings of female hybrid cells and I just knew I wanted you to know better how our UA-3846 looks like

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I had seen some drawings of female hybrid cells and I just knew I wanted you to know better how our UA-3846 looks like. 

I hope you liked it and I'll try to write before going to sleep. Currently 1000 words for the next chapter. 

Anway, I wish you good luck!.

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