An Opportunity Part 1

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U-1146 ran as fast as he could through the body in direction to the bone marrow U-4989 had mentioned on the radio. The same bone marrow his son studied at. He could only guess something had happened to UA-3846, otherwise, it wouldn't make any sense to request his presence there. The neutrophil felt a type of fear in his "soul" that he only had begun to have in his life since the day he fell in love with AE-3846. 

He, however, sighed partially in relief when he saw his son alive and being carried by two macrophages. His clothes were stained with cytoplasm, yes, but he was alive that was what mattered the most. 

As both women took him alongside a female erythroblast inside the infirmary to take care of their wounds, he attempted to enter too... only to be interrupted by U-4889 and Lady Macrophage, the macrophage who had been AE-3803's teacher back then when she was just a little girl and she was now UA-3846's teacher. 

"Wh-What happened?" he gulped.

 "UA-3846 made contact with a Pseudomonas." his partner said, scratching his head's back part as he looked at the door the hybrid had been taken to. 

"His wounds weren't severe though," the now kinda old macrophage commented. "However, the reason he and the bacteria found each other is the important detail here."

U-1146 frowned, clearly worried. "And that reason is?..."

"He detected the bacteria and then he tried to kill the Pseudomonas." U-4889 said, a total serious expression on his face. 

"He-He what?!" U-1146 exclaimed alarmed. 

"The erythroblast got attacked by the bacteria when she was alone... then your boy heard her screams and didn't hesitate even a second and he ran to help her." Lady Macrophage had a bizarre face that denoted both concern and pride. 

U-1146, on the other hand, seemed to be visibly worried as he grimaced. "B-But his principal function is to be a red blood cell..."

"It does not change the fact he's in part an immune cell regardless of what job you and AE-3803 chose for him." U-4889 pointed out. 

Lady Macrophage placed a hand on U-1146's shoulder. "I'm afraid that no matter how much you and your wife want to keep him away from danger... his immune instincts are going to get activated and they will take over as soon as he finds himself in front of bacterias or virus..."

U-1146 inclined his head in frustration. "So what?... are you going to transfer him to the class for myelocytes?"

"That would be a waste of his gained knowledge about being an erythrocyte," Lady Macrophage tried her best to give her best smile regardless of the awkwardness of the situation. "You know? I've always thought that, if he's half white half red... he should take advantage of all his potential."

"It would be necessary for both of us to train him to make it possible though," U-4989 crossed his arms, but smiling. "There's so much potential hidden in that boy."

"My son is not a subject test for all your crazy ideas about weapons." U-1146 complained.

"I know, but if he's capable of defending himself and he's gonna do it when the situation requires it... I think he should learn to do it."

U-1146 sighed and rubbed his forehead. "The hard part is gonna be convincing AE-3803 about this..."

"I can help you with that." Lady Macrophage winked. Yet, U-1146 knew he would have to psychologically prepare himself for this. 

"Besides," a certain green cell that always seemed to appear from nowhere commented. "I think you'll be happy to have this as a good memory."

Relaxing himself after being scared by the Dendric Cell, U-1146 took the photo the green cell was offering to him.  An image of his son, bitting the Pseudomonas in a desperate attempt to protect the erythroblast... and probably to get something new to eat, too.

The Meaning Of The Life: UA-3846 The HybridWhere stories live. Discover now