Special Child

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If there were some suitable words to describe him... those would be a mutation, a freak, an improbability... and who knows what else.

After all, no one like him had ever been recorded in the entire history of the body's existence.

This cell was sitting in a corner of the bone marrow. Unlike all erythroblasts and myelocytes who played or trained... he was rather looking at the sky.

It wasn't as if he could approach to make friends with any of these other cells anyway.

They would call it a Pink Cell, an abomination, and much worse things depending on how good imagination and vocabulary the other children had.

While it was true that he was one of a kind, he wasn't horrible either. His mother had always told him that.

One thing is certain, having a toy knife scared erythroblasts, while myelocytes gave him confused looks because of his red clothes.

It's not like he really cared about it, he was used to it after all...

He just wondered ...

Why didn't his mother just educate him at home? what was the point of him being there if his mother already knew everything he needed to know?

He waved his fake knife sometimes to entertain himself. He could imagine his father and him, side by side, combating against multiple bacteria and any kind of enemies.

And he truly wished that would become a dream come true one day... but he knew that the most probable answer was a total no.

Since he arrived at this place for the first time, he had been classified primarily as a red cell.

One could only wonder under what criteria they had chosen this ... luck? For anybody else, it was likely an answer... but he had definitely heard his parents chose this the previous day to his first day of class in order to keep him away from danger... it is not like there was some program for a hybrid anyway.

His food was also unique in comparison. Although he did not demonstrate it with his facial expressions at school, he loved those remnants of Pneumococcus sweetened with glucose.

As he heard the bell, he knew it was time to return to inside.

He didn't bother to go through the corridors, that would have ensured he would be surrounded by erythroblasts. He instead used his skill to migrate. He had entered the classroom without having to use the door at all.

This advantage always allowed him to choose the seat he preferred the most.

So he sat on one of those by the window, in the back part of the room. All this reduced the number of erythroblasts that would be next to him and, of course, allowed him to watch outside. Sometimes that was much more interesting.

As Miss Macrophage started handing back the tests from the previous day, he simply yawned. He was quite relaxed compared to the others who immediately started to panic followed by relief or disappointment depending on how much they had paid attention to their teacher.

As he watched the paper, he gave his teacher a confused face

He got 87 points.

Weird... this was seven points more than usual.

Technically, this was because he used to get lost a lot... and when that happened, he used his migration and strength skills to return to any familiar place and start again... the teacher wasn't sure if this could be considered as cheating since migration was something he was the only one capable of in her class... but at the same time she felt not using it would be a waste of his potential... so she never gave him a note over the 80.

The Meaning Of The Life: UA-3846 The HybridWhere stories live. Discover now