Hungry Rage

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AE-3803 might be clueless regarding how to navigate through the body.

However, if there was something she always would be paying attention to very carefully is her husband and baby.

She had developed a characteristic that usually only Macrophages had. A motherly instinct.

Since the moment UA-3846 came out from his room... she noticed his facial expression wasn't the same as usual. It was true he shared with his father that serious face the most of the time... but this didn't seem to be only that... he seemed... scared.

"Are you sure you're full?" AE definitely knew something was wrong now... her son had left his plate still with bacteria food on it.

"Yes." he answered with his cheek resting on his fist and not looking at her eyes.

"Totally sure? you've only consumed half the food you usually eat," U-1146 commented. "You didn't even add glucose this time."

This last detail hurt a lot to AE-3803, her boy loved glucose as much as she did!

"I'm fine..." UA-3846 this time denoted frustration or something similar when he growled a little.

Hybrid complications

Although hybrids inherit traits of both parents, these mixed traits can create other problems. A hybrid might be taller and stronger than both parents but this causes a needing of having to consume more food to obtain enough energy to fully operate. Because of factors like this one (and the fact that hybrids, in general, are born sterile), they aren't well-suited to exist as their own species in wild.

UA-3846 stood up. "I just had a bad dream, that's it." then he grabbed his backpack and walked towards the door. "Let's go..."

AE-3803 felt instantly he wasn't being honest.

As much as she wanted to spend some time alone with him to ensure he would open up and reveal what was wrong... it was work time for both her and her husband... that and the fact UA-3846 needed to go to class.

"I-I'll put the rest along with his lunch," said AE-3803 as she quickly grabbed the plate and put the rest of the bacteria inside of a bag already big. "Just in case he changes his mind."

"Good idea." U-1146 nodded.

He was also worried... but mostly because the words of Dendritic cell resonated in his mind during the whole breakfast.

His son eating that much... was, indeed, comparable to a Cancer cell...

He couldn't let that affect him though, he had made a promise to his wife and he was going to accomplish no matter what!

He carried UA-3846 on his back as always and gave his wife a see you later kiss. Then both left in different directions.

The boy didn't say anything during the travel just like yesterday... but today for a different reason.

It wasn't because of shame... it was something even darker.

"(They think I'm a threat...)" he thought.

He knew other cells didn't like him... but this?!

His mind then had another idea crossing around as he, once more, wondered himself who in the hell was Cancer?... was he another hybrid cell? had he been erased by the immune cells?...


"Have luck." His father said as he put him on the ground again and patted him on the head. UA-3846 nodded slowly but didn't answer, he just jumped over the wall and start to migrate through the school.

The Meaning Of The Life: UA-3846 The HybridWhere stories live. Discover now