Two Similar Beings

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"I guess just finding some damn parasites is thousands of times more difficult than the normal stuff." UA-3846 rubbed his forehead as he waited for the machine to give him a new container of oxygen to deliver.

At least of all the parasites that could enter the body, none of them had the name X.

"Much more these days... the food that the stomach receives is often the same thing over and over during several cycles." ES-2000 stroked the back of her left hand with the fingers of her right hand as she tilted her head down.

KG-7854 was practicing punching. He was near to her. "Can't we just bring her to the ear?"

"I... was not trained to fight bacteria... my spear only efficiently pierces parasites' skin." ES-2000 had to admit that she wasn't entirely sure why... her spear looked as sharp as any knife.

"Maybe if I lend you one of the "spears" that Professor U-4989 creates, then you might have a chance against those bastards." UA-3846 commented, laughing as he started walking.

ES-2000 scratched her head, her legs starting to move as well. "Do you think that could work?"

UA-3846 rubbed his chin "I don't see why not."

ES-2000 had to admit that the tour inside the heart had been interesting. She doubted that there were parasites that would attack this particular organ, but that didn't change that watching the red blood cells flow and oxygen being processed was very interesting.

"So where do you have to take that to?" KG-7854 scratched his arms as he asked.

"In theory..." UA-3846 narrowed his eyes as he took a better look at the description on the box. "Cell NF-5468465486548... in the neck..."

If there was one thing the hybrid could complain about... it was those names that were so excessively long and confusing due to their nature of numbers and letters...

He sometimes wished the cells had names more similar to those of the "entities"... although this complaint was merely for when he had to make deliveries, he wouldn't change his birth name for anything in the world. "Question, isn't it boring to go around delivering boxes over and over again?" KG-7854 knew that maybe he didn't have much right to criticize since the job of T-Cells was to wait for long periods of time for something to happen... but in his opinion doing something repetitive throughout the day sounded more stressful than just waiting, probably reading or doing any other kind of hobby, for the action to come.

"Sometimes," UA-3846 admitted, nodding and closing his eyes as he shook his head. "I dedicate myself to thinking and reflecting on what I have learned in the brain so I can have something to do that is not walking on roads all the time."

Repeating stuff in life was something that UA-3846 knew it was impossible to escape from... either in the world of cells or in the world of entities.

As a result, he had tried to find ways to cause some variation in his days no matter how small it could be.

"And what do we do now?" ES-2000 scratched her hair, noticing several red blood cells staring at them in confusion.

She supposed that seeing a cell of her type walking alongside a hybrid and a T-cell was notoriously rare.

"I was planning to visit Grandma after this thing is with its owner." UA-3846 sighed. "I mean, we have been walking around without finding anything interesting to fight so I thought maybe it was better to visit her and eat some good stuff... I mean, you guys are hungry... right? because I am, a lot."

They both considered the suggestion for a moment.

"I guess it wouldn't be bad to give it a try." KG-7854 concluded.

The Meaning Of The Life: UA-3846 The HybridWhere stories live. Discover now