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"So, if I understood correctly... this is also a body?" UA-3846 had three fingers rubbing his forehead. His left-eyebrow raised as he tried to process what his eyes were seeing. A living being walking on four-feet, a tail, and triangle-shaped ears.

LM-4321 giggled, resting her cheek on her palm. She never got tired of this kind of reaction "That's right. That is called a cat." She changed the image her computer displayed. "And this is a dog."

UA-3846 leaned against the chair, he seemed to be watching at the infinite. "Damn..."

"I wish my mind was where yours is right now. When the revelation of all this kind of stuff's existence still... blew my mind up. Now all I say is: meh!"

UA-3846 gulped as he gave a more worried facial expression. "Question..." the implications of certain details he was learning the more he spent time here were... causing not cute feelings on his nuclei. "How many bodies do exist?..."

LM-4321 breathed in and out before responding. "There are at least 7.5 billion human bodies on the planet. The number is increasing each second that happens though."

UA-3846 couldn't say even a single word after that...

7.5 billion bodies and only of the human type... the number of cells that exist must be... incomprehensible...

He placed both his hands on his head. "We... we... we are... we are nothing..."

LM-4321, already expecting this mental effect at first, placed a hand on UA-3846's shoulder. "Want me to call the platelet again for another hug?"

He didn't pay attention to her since he was still reflecting though.

The neuron decided to hug him herself. He was still a cute young boy after all.

He blinked a few times... and then he finally spoke. "I... I always feared... that... that, given the incredible amount of cells that seemed to exist, we all could be perfectly replaceable... but now I know there are so many bodies... are they replaceable too?"

He frowned and did another question before LM-4321 could respond to him. "Wait... we all do our jobs so the body can continue living... that's our purpose... but... what's the purpose of the body itself?... it must have a purpose like us?... right?"

LM-4321 caressed his hair as she prepared herself to say this. "The neuronal cells from other bodies believe there's this being that is the ultimate life form, or something like that, that created us all to worship him... we are not convinced of that though... their evidence is not enough to back up their affirmations. Most of them believe it just for the sake of believing it because they like the idea."

LM-4321 used her hand to make the boy look at her eyes. "There's another opinion that claims the planet itself may be  another living being and the bodies would be the equivalent of the cells. It's called the Gaia hypothesis if I remember correctly... but it also does not have conclusive proofs." She wasn't going to tell him that, from a certain perspective, the universe itself could be considered a living being... at the moment of the truth, there wasn't a definitive definition to determine what was life and what wasn't.

"Being completely honest to you... we don't believe there's such a thing as an ultimate purpose for life. We do a lot of activities that have a purpose but in the end... we all are going to disappear." Other neurons could claim whatever they feel like it... but for them, the hive mind that created the entity known as Luis Manuel, there wasn't evidence.

They wanted an answer that was demonstrated to be correct, not the one they would like the most.

UA-3846 began shaking his head as his eyes seemed to be lost into the void once more.

The Meaning Of The Life: UA-3846 The HybridWhere stories live. Discover now