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"You seem odd. Are you okay?"

No. It was dumb to ask.

But Jimin asked anyways.

"I am just fine Jimin." Yoongi stared at the doorway.

"There is nothing there." Jimin shrugged, furrowing his face at the entry.

Yoongi kept staring horridly at the area.

It began to taunt him and Jimin.

Yoongi did not respond.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Jimin looked down to fiddle with his fingers.

"Yes." Yoongi nodded.

Jimin spun around, finding Yoongi to be at the opposite side of the room.

"H-How did you get over- Weren't you just over there-?" Jimin turned to point back to where Yoongi sat.

"Yes." Yoongi said again, huffing at Jimin's ear.

"How the fuck!?" Jimin jumped, flinching away from the draw of appearance.

"Do I bemuse you?" Yoongi smiled.

"Yes, actually- How did y-"

"It really is a matter of perception Jimin." Yoongi really did seem to enjoy interrupting Jimin.

Not that it really bothered him. What bothered him was the reoccurrence of unfamiliar answers.

"Please don't speak senselessly. I can never understand what you mean." Jimin asked very kindly. He did not want to come across as immature.

He was tired of being told that.

"And you will continue not to." Yoongi found himself back behind Jimin.

Jimin did not move.

He was going to cautiously watch how Yoongi moved.

But every time he did, the room would get cold and Jimin's vision would blur.

"Will you please stop doing that?" Jimin asked gingerly again.

"In return, what do I get if I stop." Yoongi began to act poised and greedy.

"N-Nothing? I just asked nicely, so please stop." Jimin shook his head.

Why did Yoongi need something in return.

He had everything except Jimin's remembrance.

"Then no." Yoongi blew past Jimin again.

Jimin breathed.

He sighed, bothered.

Maybe it was fair.

"Okay fine. That's okay." Jimin looked at Yoongi, content. It was telling that Jimin really did find it to be okay.

Yoongi's face fell.

"It is?"

"Mhm." Jimin nodded, sitting down.

It was okay. Strange things were good.




"How nice it is to see you grow knowingly. You accept more. It is nice to accept things that madden you." Yoongi did not feel bad, but he did find relation.

"I know. I have done it all my life." Jimin slumped back into his seat, sighing at the memory of the asylum.

Yoongi paused.

𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙖~ 𝘽𝙏𝙎 𝙃𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙧 𝘼𝙐Where stories live. Discover now