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   Jimin sat perturbed in his seat with Taehyung, Namjoon, and Yoongi sat around him.

"I want to know what you guys are keeping from me." His leg bounced, looking more at everyone other than Taehyung due to personal comfort.

Though Jimin had maintained the decency to collect himself and not ask of their presumptions, the diminishing had become intolerant.

So he wanted evaluation.

"There is nothing to hide." Namjoon blew past his cigarette.

"Then what did you two mean whenever you said I knew you already!? You as a butterfly and you as a cat? And how do you two gain such a warm welcome into this home!?"

"Well you received just as warm as a welcome Jimin." Taehyung rested his arms at his legs, his posture less approving in contrast to Namjoon's.

"I believe we were both very clear. It is really on you as to why this all bemuses you so much." Yoongi was very soft with his response. He figured how much of a pain this all was for Jimin and how he strived to understand it all.

"Then explain it to me so I understand." Jimin could not find himself willing, but rather unruly and naive.

"It is as simple as we have said. I am the butterfly, it is my second conscious. Same applies for Yoongi. He has the cat as his second being."

"That is not viable at all." Jimin stood with his arms thrown out in incredulity.

And to be as ignorant as Jimin had been, anyone would be humiliated to be in such a thoughtless position.

"Again, the bemusement is on you. You choose whether or not to obtain and rely on what we tell you. If you find it invalid, then that is your pitiful take on alternatives."

Jimin scoffed to find himself plopping back onto the chair, bored by Namjoon's response.

"I just want to understand. How do you all know each other and how do you know so much about me." He played with his hair, twirling it cutely whenever he finally hauled the audacity to look directly at Taehyung.

Taehyung smiled before responding.

"You know more about us. You are going to hate to hear this again, but-"

"I've forgotten. Forgotten what? Forgotten how!?" Jimin kept his gaze from moving as frantically as before as he waited for an answer.

"The asylum. It is a demeaning place Jimin. How do you think you ended up there to begin with?" Taehyung eyed at Namjoon who pressed the cigarette to an ashtray for the ash to wither and put itself out.

Jimin always found a sound of resent within Taehyung whenever he spoke to him. He had just noticed this recently. As to why Taehyung were to resent him, Jimin did not know.


Taehyung walked away, the other two following.

Jimin found their disappearance too familiar.

To a point where he has gotten used to the loneliness of the room whenever any of them left.

But Jimin thought.

He never took notice as to how he had actually ended up at the asylum.

It was discerning that he had actually not known the answer.

He had seemingly forgotten everything he needed to know.

𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙖~ 𝘽𝙏𝙎 𝙃𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙧 𝘼𝙐Where stories live. Discover now