✩ ⟬ Getting Ready ⟭✩

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~ Keigo Takami ~

Since Keigo decided to stay over at Akira's place that night he texted Rumi to just meet him at the amusement park. Rumi was completely fine with this since it gave her more time to choose an outfit for herself. "Akira, can I use some of your clothes for a date?" Keigo asked after he had brought him breakfast.

"Uhh sure? I don't know why you would want to though but of course you can. I think I have some of May's in the back. Since she also has wings, I think it would fit you better than my clothes'' he said as he got some clothes from their alpha step sister.

Eventually the two of them picked out an outfit suitable for a date, "You really think this looks good?" Keigo asked as he came out of the bathroom wearing some black ripped jeans that hugged his legs tightly, a pain while shirt that was a big loose on him and a deep blue jacket around his waist. His wings were neatly combed for the most part but occasionally would ruffle around since he was nervous.

"Hey don't worry! You're going to be fine" Aikira said to him with a grin as he opened his window. "Dad just woke up with a really bad hangover so you might want to get going though here before he drinks his morning coffee and comes to his senses" he said with a slight laugh. "Sorry for the inconvenience though"

"Thanks, and it's fine. Your window is pretty big so i think i'll be able to fit out of it" Keigo said as he climbed out of it and stood on the ledge. "Thanks for your help Aki, see ya around" he said. And with that he made sure he had all his things in a bag before spreading his wings and flying off to Rumi's house to see if she was ready yet.

Rumi had already gotten ready and was waiting out front for her car. When she saw Keigo fly in she waved to him and smiled. "Heya Keigo, you ready for your date~?" she asked.

"Not in the slightest '' Keigo joked as he looked at her. She was wearing a short floral print skirt with a black tank top that was tucked into her skirt. On top of that she had a white sweater over it all. "But you look really nice," he said with a grin.

"Thanks, I'm waiting for the car and then we can get going," she explained as the car came around in front of them. "Then i'll give you some basic tips for dates and all"


~ Touya Todoroki ~

Meanwhile Touya was in a slight panic as he looked through his closet to find something good enough to wear. He had already woken up late and on top of that Shoto was freaking out because his crush just asked him if he wanted to hang out at the amusement park. The eldest Todoroki child was in the middle of changing his clothes when Shoto burst through the door.

"Touya help! What am I supposed to wear?" he asked, in clear panic as he held up one of his black turtleneck sweaters in one hand and just a nice looking shirt with some jeans in the other hand. He was sending out distressed pheromones as he looked to his brother. His bi colored hair was messy at the moment but he really didn't care. "So what do you think? Oh and nice boxers by the way"

Touya was three things just then. Embarrassed that he had said that, proud that his younger brother was coming to him for relationship advice, but just a bit pissed off since he was right in the middle of getting ready for his date. Plus his annoying distressed pheromones weren't really helping his mood. "Not the turtleneck. Too formal. Now would you leave already since I need to get ready?" he asked. His language could have been way more colorful than that but he didn't want to get in that mood.

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