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Tom's POV:

I held Holly's hand as we sped down the motorway, the sirens blasting loud enough to deafen you. She was still out cold. Her hand was freezing and she was covered in blood. A tear fell down my face as i looked at her, praying she would make it. I had to explain what had happened to the paramedic sitting across from me, which i absolutely hated. I was beyond furious with Holly's father. In fact, with Mr Fullerton, this man was no father figure. However, as much as i wanted to just scream and go after him. I knew i had to stay strong for Holly. That was the only reason i wasn't going after him. That is the only reason i didn't storm down to the police station demanding to see him. That was the only reason i wasn't going against my mother had taught me.

Eventually after a car ride that felt like an eternity, we arrived at the hospital. She was rushed into the ER and i was running  behind trying to keep up with the doctors that were screaming orders at each other. "get her to the critical care unit" i heard one doctor shout. Before i knew it we had turned yet another corner skidding like in the movies from the quick movement. Only this wasn't a movie, It was for real; which made it absolutely terrifying.

She was placed onto a bed in a separate room of her own rather than just in a ward. She looked so small hooked up to all of the machinery, which was keeping her alive. "She's lucky you came in when you did" i heard a nurse say to me, pulling up a chair. "A minute later, no forget that. A second later and this would have been a whole other story." she said which made my heart ache. "yeah..this is all my fault" i said burring my face in my hands before quickly reconnecting them with Holly's. "You could never have known" the nurse said rubbing her hand on my back as an attempt to comfort me.
"yes i did... When she told me last night. I should have never let her go back there. We should have just dealt with everything then and there" i said a tear rolling down my face
"Don't put the blame on yourself son. She obviously trusted you enough to tell you. We have hundreds of patients each day. Who admit themselves because they have no one else they trust" The nurse said as a tear too fell from her eye.
"exactly. She trusted me. And i let her down" i said quietly, trying despiretly to get the words out though the sobs.
"that's not true. She's alive. That.. is pretty extraordinary. It's a miracle, Do you see the amount of bruises and cuts on her?" she asked to which i replied with a nod.

"how long until she wakes up" i asked hoping she would say an hour, but knowing she wouldn't
"It's hard to say, This could just be a black out and she could wake up within the next couple of hours. or this could be a coma. At this stage we just don't know" she said as another painful sob escaped my mouth.
"I'll leave you alone. Take care" the nurse said before leaving.

This couldn't be a coma! Could it? I was absoluetly raging not only at Mr Fullerton but at myself. How could i have just left her another night with that maniac, knowing what he was capable of. I placed a kiss onto Holly's hand before saying "I'm so sorry. You have to pull through, don't you dare leave me. You can't leave me with Haz! He's an idiot. We need you. I need you" i said wiping another tear which had fallen. My thoughts were completely disrupted my Harrison walking though the door. "no offence taken" he said laughing. Pulling a chair up on the other side of her. Grabbing her other hand and taking it into his own. "So.. what did the nurse say?" he asked. "S..she could be in a coma" i said stuttering. It still not having registered in my mind. He looked at me shocked. A glimmer of anger showing in his eyes. "Well, she's going to wake up" he said sadly. Trying to convince himself.

We sat in the room with Holly for hours before Haz said "I've gotta go, mum wants me home" I nodded in response not having the energy to say anything. "promise me you'll get some rest" he said before hugging me from behind. "y-yeah" i said both of us knowing the chances of that happening are very slim. "Goodnight Holly, love you" he said taking his hand out of hers again, then leaving.

I took Holly's hand again "Holly, don't you dare leave me! I don't know what i am without you, and that's something i'm not going to find out. Just know that we're all here for when you wake up again. WHICH YOU WILL" i said tears still falling from my now red eyes. "We still have so many awkward family gatherings with my grandma who won't drop the fact that we 'are a couple'." i started laughing "i don't know why i just did air quotes there.. see what i mean Holly. It's been less than a day and i'm already going crazy" i said laughing but still crying. "hey Hun, are you coming home" My mum said walking in a sad expression after hearing what i said.
"no...i'm just gonna stay with her" i mumbled wiping the tears from my face
"okay.. just let me know if you need ANYTHING. Come home if you feel exhausted or need a break" she said walking towards me.
"i'll be fine. I gotta be here for when Holly wakes up" i replied as my mum took me into her arms.
she started to walk towards Holly taking her hand into her own "hi honey. I miss you. I miss seeing those big blue eyes sparkle when you smile. I miss the sound of your laugh when you're with Tom and Harrison. I'm gonna go now. Wake up soon. I love you" my mum said a tear now rolling down her face as she let go of her hand. My mum played the role of Holly's mum her entire life. She was a daughter to my mum. So seeing her like this destroyed her. She walked out of the room wiping the tears from her face.

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