Chapter Six

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"Wear this." She gasped, coming out of the bathroom and finding him holding a shop bag. She took it and looked inside to find a violet cloth. She looked up, nodded and went back into the bathroom. Setting the bag down, she pulled out a violet dress. Cap sleeved with a loose sweetheart neckline, right around the torso with a skirt flaring from the waist down to mid thigh. It was elegant. She zipped it up which was under her arm on side and pulled her hair down on her shoulders. Coming back out, she stood in front of him with a release of her breath.

"Now what?" She asked. He looked up and eyed her up and down. She felt heated at how intense his gaze was and crossed her arms, almost hiding herself away. He looked behind him, wordlessly and she noticed small red hand carry. Her luggage. She nodded and walked to it. Picking it up, she set it on the other end of the bed and checked it through. All of her clothes were in it and a few new toiletries that he'd packed somehow. She stared at the things and tears gathered in her throat. She didn't want to go. She felt scared and suddenly, bile rose to her throat. He stood straight about to say something when she ran past him and dropping by the toilet, emptying the eggs she had for breakfast into the bowl. She coughed by the end and her sobs finally broke out. She was feeling breathless and the tightness in her chest was begging for help.

When her eyes opened, he was standing in the door, staring down at her. Fists on his sides, eyes trained on her and no expression.

"Don't give me away." She whispered, "Kill me but don't sell me." He looked away and left her there, "Fuck!" She yelled, kicking the bowl and then standing. Washing and freshening up her mouth, she came out, only to find Vincent standing with another man. A familiar guy.

"Hi. I'm Noah." He grinned. He was big and tall, just a little smaller in height and muscle than Vincent.

"Odette." She answered, "I suppose you're my date for the trip." She spoke, nervously, circling around sweet talk.

"The one." He nodded.

"Hmm. Hopefully you are a better company than Mr. Snoozefest here." She grinned and Noah smirked, almost charmingly, "So what, you're the good kidnapper while he's the bad?" She smiled and he snickered.

"You could say." He nodded.

"Fun." She smirked, "I suppose it's goodbye then, Mr. Vincent?" She turned and eyed him. His head was high but eyes moved to her, "You know, sometimes, I think that if you bend you neck to look at someone, we might hear a creaking down. Maybe a crack." She taunted. Noah snorted behind her and she gave him a mocking smile.

"We'll be right behind you." He looked over her at Noah.

"Yeah." Noah nodded, picked up her bag and headed out.

"What do you mean?" She asked. He didn't say anything, picking his bag in one hand and her elbow in the other before walking out of the room. That's when she realized that they were in a cabin on sorts. She didn't know where and the small street in front seemed to be leading some other other town, she was unaware of.

"Get in." He pointed her to his car, putting his bag in the back seat.

"I'm not going with Noah?" She almost felt hopeful.

"We're driving there together."

"He just wants to make sure you don't bail." Noah shrugged, snickering. She sighed sadly and slid into his car.

Soon, Noah slid in his white SUV and Vincent followed him out on the street. She leaned by the window, with her elbow resting on the door handle, eyeing the planes view outside. Wherever were they? She didn't even know.

"The man Noah is taking you to is Rabossa Harrison." He suddenly spoke, ten minutes into the drive and she was shocked for a spell. She looked back and he still staring ahead at the road, "We don't know why he set a hit on you but he wants you. Alive."

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