Chapter Eight

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"She is to wed my son." The man with grey hair and a buff chest spoke with a suck of the harsh air through his teeth. The way Vincent had his arm slightly covering her body, made her feel safe again. He wasn't letting her go without giving her explanation as to why she'd been taken. She scrunched to behind his large back, shivering to the bone but feeling warm against him.He was big and she could only see past his shoulder, with a raise of her head.

"What?" She whispered to herself.

"You made us kidnap a bride for your son?" Noah spoke a little aggressively, "That is not the business we run." He fought.

"You still get your three million." Harrison spoke.

"We aren't your fucking match makers, Harrison." Vincent spoke with a heavy tone that sent a shiver through her as well.

"Boy, you do as you are told. You've done your job, you get your money, you be on your way."

"Why does Morris want her?" Noah asked.

"Thats none of your business." He spoke, still calm. Harrison's calm composure was making her uncomfortable. Vincent and Noah weren't safe. Not at all. If she were to get out of here, they were her only source.

"Why do you think that I'm the one?" She asked and Vincent gave her a warning stare over his shoulder. He didn't want her talking to them.

"I won't hurt you." He sighed, "Just come along, dear. Your future will be well off with us."

"How did you even find me?" She fought and Harrison squinted.

"All your questions will be answered if you come along." He pouted with a shrug. She shivered.

"And if I dont?"

"Dear, why do you think they're here?" He waved at the men. She gulped, "Let her go, Carsozza, or I'll pry her off your dead body."

"Why did Morris' men want her?" Vincent asked without care.

Harrison licked his teeth and looked around. The men started reaching for their belt when she quickly jumped away, holding a gun.

"Stop!" She couldn't let them die. Even if they died, she was going to be taken, so might as well save their lives. She liked Noah, at least he tried making a good profile with her. Vincent, though an ass, was something of a human on the inside. The fact that he didn't give her away without answers was something she felt that made him a man with a bit of humanity. She figured that if she was a mere hire for prostitution, he might not have given her up. She was holding a gun lowered in her hand, "Let them go and I'll come." She offered and looked back at Noah and Vincent who had guns out. Apparently Vincent was still packing more than one.

"You heard the lady." Harrison spoke. Vincent and Noah didn't lower their guns, "They give me no choice and I'm not fond of stubbornness." He shrugged.

"I'll shoot myself." She raised a gun to her temple. This time, they all looked at her. She unlocked the safety. Vincent and Noah stared at her in a bit of surprise.

"You are trying to save the men who kidnapped you?" Harrison asked.

"They delivered. Their death wasn't a part of the deal, was it?" She hissed, feeling herself high with some adrenaline.

"I suppose not." Harrison shook his head.

"Please go." She gulped with a wavering voice, "Leave." She matched Vincent's eyes that only asked one question. Are you mad?

She was waiting for a movement, all still where they were.

"I said move!" She screamed as a tear fell down her cheek. Noah dropped his head with a frown and tapped Vincent's shoulder. Vincent didn't move, "Go." She mouthed with a clogging throat. He gulped and moved, giving a once threatening look to Harrison and heading for the car they'd arrived in. Noah was behind the wheel and he looked at her through the wind screen. His face softened and he gulped, licking his lips. Was that concern? Vincent stared at Harrison, getting in the car and kept an eye contact with him and Noah pulled the car back. She moved ahead and watched the two back out of the garage. The gun still loosely against her head. She shut her eyes, ready to pull the trigger, when the gun was snatched and she dropped her head, inhaling a deep breath.

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