Chapter Ten

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She sat in front of the fireplace in her room. Her legs bare and a single shirt on that she'd surprisingly found in her little sack. It smelled of the familiar musk she'd hummed about a few times. It was evident whose it was. She'd worn it to bed that night with Vincent and it was the only that belonged to him in her little stack of clothes. She hated those small night clothes. They were too irritating and kept crawling up her butt. One night, out of frustration she took it off in the middle of the night and threw it right in the burning fireplace in her room.

It'd been a week since she'd been stuck with the Harrison's. They weren't abusing her, well, not physically entirely. Derrick was one ass out of the party. He'd forced kisses on her almost every other day. Sometimes her lips, sometimes her neck and a few times her hands. She had to shower everyday to cleanse herself of that disgusting man. His hands would never leave her body, except when she'd leave the room. In her room, Mrs. Harrison made the rule that Derrick couldn't live with her, till they married. Using this to her advantage, she always locked the door in the night and placed the chair in front of it. Her black polished nails glistened under the firelight., slightly chipping off by the edges. She hated being here.

Pulling up her knees to her chest, she rested her cheek against the skin of it. It was warm where she sat. The fire touched every inch of her skin and the loose shirt felt like a little home to live in. She had nothing like home left. She was damn sure that her apartment was left to rot and soon would be taken over by the landlord. Her job would probably have disappeared from the database of the company. She was stuck in her boss' home and soon in his arms. Her eyes weren't restless for no reason, there was a card laid on the carpet in front of her.

The Harrison's Invite You All
To the Happy Union of
Derrick Harrison and Odette Elliot
Join a celebration of their engagement with us on,
9th January, 2019
At the extravagant masquerade ball.
Hours: 6pm-10pm

Note: Black Tie Event

Her gown hung in the wardrobe and she was frustrated with its sight. It was a little pretty but nothing felt too great these days. She was suddenly missing the fear of death she had when Vincent kidnapped her. Oh, it felt like a blessing over the nagging nausea in her gut these days. Derrick was worth millions but boy was he the weirdest man she'd ever met. Money didn't buy everything. Suddenly, those novels about girls being taunted by a hot billionaire turning to love seemed unreal. Derrick was a prat. He gifted her things everyday but not heart shaped candy or an extra expensive set of heels. No, he gifted her modified lingerie. Sex toys. Things he promised to use when they'd be married. She'd thrown half the stuff in the garbage, and the rest was burning the fire with it.

She stretched her legs and dropped her back against the couch, wiggling her toes and releasing breaths loud enough to echo in the room. She had an iPod given to her once she expressed her boredom, but no laptop, phone or tablets. Nothing that could connect her to the internet.

Plugging earphones in her ears, she dropped her head back and shut her eyes.

Humming to music, falling asleep in it, made her dream. Made her lose herself in prospects of the world that didn't exist in real life. It was something of a prince charming or a magician's tale. It was a world where someone would play her game. Understand her nature and would like to know her. Someone who would read her to know what she was thinking not to see how to work around her body to drop her into bed.

Impossible. She believed. It was impossible for someone to love with a pure heart and not lust as a driven agenda. The world wasn't a fairytale. And she was tires of being the only believer.

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