Chapter Fifteen

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He woke up to an empty cabin. Her bed was made she was nowhere to be seen. He checked his watch and it was six in the morning. Sliding out of the duvet, he walked to the bathroom in the back, only to find it empty as well. It was then that he heard a shot echo somewhere in a distance. He quickly picked up his hoodie from the hook in the laundry room and ran out the back door.

His feet, as fast as they'd been, paused just as quick. She was standing in her coat and jeans, steady with an old rifle she probably found in the cabin in his laundry room and was aiming at rocks set out in a line by the distant tree. She cocked the rifle again and took a shot, catching the bigger rock.

"Yes." She hissed, bending and picking up another shell to load the gun with.

"What're you doing?" He called. She jumped around and gasped.

"Sorry, did I wake you?"

"What're you doing, Odette?" He stood with hands in his pockets.

"Learning to shoot. What does it look like?" She shrugged.


"Well, you said that I need to look at the reality." She raised the gun as he stood beside her, "My reality is two assholes wanting me for god knows what reasons, one sweet guy who wants to save my life and one fucker who thinks he's better than me. One common thing they have?" She took a shot and knocked another over, "They love guns."

"I don't think I'm better than you." He answered with a stern gaze, "Are you still hung up on that?"

"Nope." She cocked the gun and took another aggressive shot. When she cocked the gun again, he snatched it from her and with one raised arm, he shot it straight at the tiniest pebble set out. She gasped beside him.

"I don't think I'm better than you." He spoke, "I'm just not Brethoren and you aren't my type."

"I heard you the first time. I'm not even caring about it. I just don't like you." She gave out a mocking smile.


"Good. Now, you have to teach me." She gulped.

"Excuse me?"

"Teach me. How to shoot and defend myself."


"Did you not hear me the first time?"

"You're fine at what you do."

"Barely. I need to do better. Where I won't need you or Noah to rescue me." She blinked, "No offence. Im thankful that you did what you did but we aren't the same club." She sighed, "We never will be."

He nodded with a twisted mouth and looked back at the hut.

"Meet me out here in half hour. We start now."

"I'm ready." She stood tall. He eyed her body, trying its best to stand out. Raising a hand, he pushed her locks away from her neck and exposed the skin there. Running a cold finger lower, he touched the deep neckline of her sweater. It could've been quite plunging. He moved lower and held the unbuttoned side of her coat.

"You will be all over the place. Go wear a sweatshirt and joggers." He whispered. She caught her breath and he moved away, checking the rifle. Embarrassed a little. She moved to the house and in about ten minutes, she was back out in a pair of black yoga pants and grey sweat shirt that was too big for her, "That's mine." He pointed.

"You didn't get me one." She smirked, proud. He marched over to her with determination and she released a yelp when he picked her up on his shoulder again and led her back in the house. She was kicking but he didn't stop. Inside the cabin, he put her on the floor and she pouted in frustration, "You-"

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