Chapter Fourteen

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He placed his gun on the table and walked to her. Holding her up by the waist, he set her on the bed. She groaned with a lazy head.

"You suck." She mumbled.

"That wasn't bad." He cleared his throat.

"I told you I could take care of myself." She grinned. He touched the little trace of blood at the corner of her lips, "Oh, yeah. He caught me off guard there." She gulped.

"How's your head?"

"Still intact, I think." She blinked hard.

"Did he hurt you anywhere else?" He checked her body but no blood from anywhere.

"Oh, yeah, that's... erm, his. I stole your dagger." She smirked, cheekily. He shut his eyes and then looked up, clearing his throat, "So is this where you leave me?" She whispered, "To die? You knew we were being followed."

"I went to take care of them. There are four outside."

"So, you miscalculated." She pointed.

"Yes." He answered honestly.

"Thank you." She gulped, "For coming back."

He looked away at the man on the floor and froze when a warm forehead leaned on his cheek.

"Vincent?" She called in a whisper, moving back with a lazy blink.

"Hmm?" He looked at the bloody hand she raised. His brows furrowed.

"You're shot." She mumbled.


She moved his blazer harshly and they found a very small flesh wound. It hadn't even hurt until now. Not major either.

"Oh, God." She was turning a bit frantic.

"Its just a flesh wound. Stay here now. I have to take care of these." He pointed.

"I'll come with you." She stood quickly.

"I'm not going far. Hold onto this." He gave her his gun, "Don't worry." He told her. She nodded with a sad frown and he went for the dead body inside the house. Picking it up by the legs, he dragged it out of the place.

Collecting all bodies, he took them back in the forest and dug a giant hole. Now, came the disgusting part where he had to drop sodium hydroxide. The stench was the worst so he started digging as soon as the liquid started eating them up. It took an hour of throwing mud to cover the grave and then he walked back to his hut that was far from where he was. He just couldn't tell her because she probably would've panicked. Tucking the things in the back cabin behind his hut, he entered through the front door and after a clatter, Odette stood with a gun pointed at him. He raised hands in surrender and she nodded, dropping it and tucking it in her waist. She picked up the mop again and started cleaning.

"I thought it best to clean before it would start stinking the place up." She gulped, licking her slit lip.

"You-You didn't..." He inhaled a deep breath, "Yeah." He started taking his shirt off and then his watch.

"You reek." She stood.

"Sodium Hydroxide."

"Oh." She gulped, "Thats gross."

"What, you thought this job is all flashy gadgets?" He mocked and she cocked a brow with a slight grin.

"Take a shower, I'll brew us a pot." She pointed. He didnt care to fight anymore and nodded, heading to the back for a good shower. The wound on his waist was aching but started to dry up already. The blood did pour down like a waterfall along his hip as he washed himself clean. Mud rubbed out of his hair and arms, and the stench started to fade in the body wash.

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