Arc 1 Chapter 1: The Underworld Boss

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Chen Yanyan opened his eyes as a sharp light coursed through his vision.

He looked at his surroundings with confusion as a familiar sight greeted him. "I'm-I'm still in the hospital."

Although his vision was still blurry, from the familiar smell and white hospital tile roof he was certain he was still in a hospital, whether he had been moved or not within the hospital he was unsure.

He hadn't yet fully gained consciousness so he couldn't be sure, all he knew was that he felt terrible weakness in his legs and right arm.

Chen Yanyan: "What's going on?"

The last thing he remembered was a strange voice in his head calling itself system and something about travelling to other worlds but now he was back in the hospital.

Chen Yanyan: "Ah what about the bullet wounds!"

Instantly he used his left hand to comb over his body feeling for any noticeable small holes.


He had no bullet holes!

He felt nothing...

Chen Yanyan: "What?"

He had no holes and he couldn't even feel pain in his chest.

Something was wrong.

Had-had he actually dreamed it all?

Just as he held such a thought, a ding like notification rang out in his mind.

【*Ding, host has successfully crossed into another plane.】

After hearing this notification Chen Yanyan slowly calmed his heart as he went over the current situation.

He was either crazy and starting to hear voices in his head with delusions of being shot... or he was actually bound to some sort of sentient otherworldly system.

He didn't know why he was back in a hospital, it didn't feel like he had moved planes? But remembering the feeling of sharp pain coursing through his entire body from being shot, he didn't want to believe that such a horrible thing had simply been conjured up by his imagination.

For if everything had been simply a hallucination then that would mean he had truly gone crazy to imagine such deadly pain.

Yes due to this Chen Yanyan chose to believe in the latter, that he was bound to some sort of otherworldly system.

"Ding, ding, ding, you're not so stupid after all host." An energetic androgynous voice suddenly rang out in his head, it was the same voice he remembered hearing before.

Chen Yanyan ignored the being's cheeky statement as he quickly spoke. "So you're... you're a system?"

"Yes, I am Z-...." The system paused as though it couldn't' quite recognize something, then in a hurry it once again spoke.

"Yes I am System zero, simply call me System 0. I will be your companion from now on as you travel to different worlds completing the mission. If you succeed in this world, then you will gain points in order to live in your original world."

Chen Yanyan: "So this really is another world? And if I succeed you're certain I can really live in my own world?"

System: "Host is correct."

"But I had so many bullet holes-" Chen Yanyan bitterly touched his chest in remembrance. 

Before he was relieved to learn that he could still live in his own world but now he wondered if such a wish was impossible.

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