Arc 1 Chapter 4: The Underworld Boss

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Chen Yanayn's face turned "seemingly" surprised as he heard those words. "Examine? Why? I-I still don't... Arg-" Chen Yanyan clutched his head in sudden pain spitting out the last few words. "I don't understand, what-what's going on?"

No one answered Chen Yanyan as an examination was carried out.

The female Doctor thoroughly checked over Chen Yanyan while Chen Yanyan remained outwardly confused.

Secretly he wondered if he would be able to pull it off, if he could live.

After all this was life or death for him, he was slightly nervous as the examination continued.

When everything was done the Doctor stepped back and looked over Chen Yanyan's X-rays with dismay. 

"Tch." The young Doctor coldly clicked her tongue before pulling out a cigarette.

"Clicking her tongue?! What kind of doctor is this?" Chen Yanyan silently wondered, and what kind of Doctor smoked in front of her patients?!

Diyu coldly looked towards the doctor. "What are the results?"

Doctor: "It seems like the brain has a few abnormalities and some blood vessels broke. It is highly likely that Chen Yanyan suffered some sort of Amnesia from the car accident he was in. He was already lucky not to be brain dead when he was pulled out."

Diyu's face grew dark after hearing such an explanation. "So he really can't remember anything from the past month?"

The Doctor blew a puff of smoke before slowly responding. "It would seem so."

Diyu looked sharply down at Chen Yanyan as he continued to question. "Amnesia, 'how convenient...' When will he regain his memories?"

Doctor: "I can't tell you, it may return in a day or it could be years. Cases vary across the world."

Diyu's eyes grew skeptical. "And you're certain he has Amnesia?"

Doctor: "Well due to the patients confusion and brain trauma it would "appear" so..."

Diyu caught on to the doctor's words as his skepticism grew. "So you can't be 100% sure?"

Doctor: "That's correct. There is no specific test to confirm whether someone has Amnesia or not, it can only be assumed that it's probably true due to the patient's confusion and the brain trauma he retained."

Diyu: "I see..."

"I'll take my leave for now." The Doctor still held her cigarette, her black high heel shoes clacking down the hall as she left the hospital room. 

She was truly a strange doctor... rather than promising life, she was more so remnant of death.

Everything grew silent as Chen Yanyan silently contemplated.

From the System he already knew his body had already been in a car crash and experienced head trauma to back up his claims of amnesia, whether the other man believed him or not didn't matter, he had the upper hand! 

Yes he simply had to claim amnesia and go from there.

Or so he thought...

Diyu disregarded the Doctor's previous words as he looked down at Chen Yanyan with a devious smile. "Ah I see you almost had me fooled... but I'll know for certain whether you have amnesia when I do my own little test."

Chen Yanyan lightly twitched hearing such a thing, he wasn't sure what the other man planned but from Diyu's tone he knew it couldn't be anything good. 

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