Arc 1 Chapter 15: The Underworld Boss

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Chen Yanyan slowly opened his eyes, for a moment he had blacked out.

Looking around he was on the soft grass under a... tree?

He couldn't feel any pain but he wondered what damage he had. "How bad is it?"

System 0: "Host is lucky, this time you didn't sustain any damage."

Chen Yanyan wanted to laugh, to say he was lucky after getting into a car crash, after getting transmigrated into a crazy world, after getting shot three times in his own.

Luck was not on his side but at least now he had no more injuries added onto his already existing ones.

"Wait." Chen Yanyna suddenly looked around confused, he was outside, didn't this mean that he was flung out of the car? How did he sustain no injuries!

Moreover the moment he looked around he spotted the vehicle he had been in, it was smoking and on fire from having crashed into a tree.

"I-I have to get Diyu!"

System 0: "Relax host."

Chen Yanyan: "Huh?"

System 0: "Diyu is fine, and the reason you have no injuries is because the moment you crashed you were wearing your seatbelt, then Diyu pulled your unconscious body out of the car wreck and placed you on the ground."

Chen Yanyan: "Where's Diyu?"

System 0: "He's over there."

Chen Yanyan looked into the pouring rain and smoke before he spotted a man crouched down near the cement road, he looked extremely angered, his body stiff, it was as if his entire being was corrupted with seething rage.

He didn't look to be fine!

"What could have happened..." Even if they were in a car wreck on the side of the road he didn't expect to see Diyu so angered. No Diyu had a cold calmness to him, even after taking "care of business" earlier his expression hadn't much changed, now Diyu looked to be seething with rage.

Unconsciously Chen Yanyan tried to approach in the soaking rain, because his leg was still injured he couldn't help but slowly crawl over. 

Like this he managed to get a few feet closer from the quite far Diyu before a loud voice broke out in the rain. 

"Stay the hell away from me!" Diyu looked furious, on the edge of breaking as he tightly clenched his fists.

Chen Yanyan inwardly panicked. " Why is he so angry? Did I do something to make his favorability go way down, does he think I had anything to do with this?!"

System: "It doesn't appear so, the targets favorability is still the same at 15%"

As soon as Chen Yanyan heard the system's words he grew terribly confused. Wasn't the man clearly angry towards him?

Come to think of it... hadn't Diyu been on edge for most of the day?

With Chen Yanyan's growing confusion he shifted slightly closer to the man.

"Don't come any closer!" He was met with the same cold response from Diyu's clenched jaw.


Chen Yanyan suddenly observed the man closer, his jaw was almost fully clamped shut, his whole body was stiff, and his fists were turning pale from being clenched so hard.

It was at this instance that Chen Yanyan began to better understand the state Diyu was in.

It's not that he was truly on the verge of rage, nor was he even angry...

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