Arc 1 Chapter 9: The Underworld Boss

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A certain man clutched Chen Yanyan's unconscious body before the air turned suffocating.

Although his appearance was usually cold and elegant, for once he looked disheveled, his sharp eyes twisted towards the tattooed man. "I thought I told you not to use too much violence!"

The tattooed man slightly trembled before roughly speaking. "H-he was a crazy one, it's not like I could avoid it! Besides he only slightly bumped his head, it should heal in a few days!"

"Hmmmm, we'll see about that." Diyu turned silent, he clutched the now seemingly weak body that had appeared so strong just moments before.

His heart lightly thumped as he he looked down.

The tattooed man also looked down at Chen Yanyan in contemplation before deciding something. "I'm usually paid to reveal the deceitfulness of spouses or loved one's, but this man is rare... he really seems faithful."

The tattooed man had rarely come across such people before, willing to put one's life on the line for another was truly a rare quality in this line of business.

"Hmmm." Diyu didn't seem to pay much attention to the tattooed man, instead he continued to look down at the man in his arms, lost deep in thought.

Tattooed Man: "So where's my money?"

"Here." Diyu tossed the man a small case of cold hard cash.

Quickly the man began to count it before his expression turned sour. "What? This wasn't the amount we agreed upon!"

Diyu's eyes turned twisted scary, in a split second he took out his hidden gun and cocked it towards the tattooed man's head." The agreement was not to use too much violence, you're lucky I'm paying you at all."

The tattooed man who rarely knew fear suddenly felt a cold chill of intimidation. "AH- Th-thanks. I'll be taking my leave now!"

Immediately he got up and made haste towards the door, he didn't want to be shot!

However before he left he took one last glance towards the unconscious man currently residing in the arms of the beast. "Treat-treat him well."

This was his warning, after all such people were rare, if you didn't treat them well they were sure to perish...

"Hmmm." Diyu was looking down at Chen Yanyan with a complicated gaze, no longer seeming to pay attention to the fleeting man.

He now held deep conflicting thoughts regarding the young man.

Why hadn't Chen Yanyan betrayed him?

He had fully expected to see Chen Yanyan's true colors of deceitfulness, but now he was lost.

Chen Yanyan hadn't been willing to turn Diyu over even when forced at gunpoint, it was possible he realized it was staged but the gun and bullets were all real, even if he was acting it truly had to be perfect for Diyu not to pick up on it.

His initial analysis of Chen Yanyan was becoming more diluted, was Chen Yanyan faking it or truly innocent?


Diyu didn't believe in love, affection, or loyalty, he wouldn't believe in such frivolous things, he couldn't afford too. 

He was abandoned by his parents, left to be raised on the streets, and fruitioned into a mafia boss, what love could be found?

Only darkness, betrayal, and deceitfulness existed, this he was sure of and had seen many times.

So to think the man was loyal-

No, no one was 100% loyal, and no one would ever sacrifice themselves for a cruel man like him, Diyu was aware of this more than anyone.

He was the evil of society, rotten, the blackness in his heart far exceeded others,  who would willing desire to save someone as corrupted as him?

No one.

Still Chen Yanyan didn't simply crack like he  thought....

Perhaps, perhaps there was some merit to what he had been saying all along... Perhaps he was truly loyal?



Diyu was certain he hadn't judged wrong, Chen Yanyan was a fraud like anyone else who spoke of loyalty, the man was no different from others, or at least that's what he had always believed. 

Why did this man confuse him though?

"Hmmm." Diyu looked down at the man, for now he had no way to prove what was real and what was fake. 

Silently he got up, still holding Chen Yanyan in his arms he slowly walked to the stairs, however remembering that Chen Yanyan still couldn't walk he continued to step forward past the stairs, down the hall towards a door.

The ground floor was best.

There were multiple spare bedrooms in this big empty house, Diyu used it only when he wanted a break so it didn't serve much purpose.

Unlocking the door he walked into a semi large empty room.

For now he would place the man on a bed until he woke up, he couldn't do much else.

Although he had checked over Chen Yanyan's wounded head and it didn't seem bad he couldn't be certain, like this he called for the groups Doctor.


It didn't take long for the familiar young female Doctor to arrive, she carried a small doctors case with specific equipment and wore her 'out of place' black high heels. 

As soon as the Doctor appeared and examined the miserable state of Chen Yanyan she tiredly sighed. "He has a minor concussion. From now on you should take extra measures to be careful." 

The Doctor fastened a bandage around the unconscious man's head. "He's still quite injured from before, either decide to kill him or let him heal before he  sustains anymore injuries."

The Doctor was not kind, she was simply cold and practical.

Diyu said nothing but only hummed slightly in recognition. "Hmmm."

Hearing Diyu's neutral tone the Doctor clicked her tongue, he wasn't listening!

This type of man was hopeless, truly the worst!

This man who never cared for another surely didn't care for the one before him and wouldn't listen, so it was useless warning him.

Even his right hand man Jian was of very little consequence to him. 

Still the Doctor wondered if Chen Yanyan was somehow different, it was surprising that he was still alive, and even more so that Diyu called her to check his injuries.

'Only time will tell.' With that thought she got up.

She wasn't one to revel on things for long, after all she was also the worst type of person, a Doctor for the Mafia, cold and unfeeling. She had no one and cared for no one. 

She was simply bored and enjoyed to observe the situations presented before her.

She was a Doctor after all, examining other's was her specialty.

"I shall take my leave now."

Looking down at the unconscious man she lightly whispered one last thing, 'good luck.' 

Like this she got up and left.

Desert Note: 

While Chen Yanyan slept he dreamt of warmth and happiness, he was outside sitting atop a large mountain with someone, everything was serene. 

Suddenly a pesky fly buzzed in his ear. 


"Shoo!" Chen Yanyan didn't hate bugs but he didn't exactly like them either, he waved his hands around frantically so he could enjoy the scenery, but the bug persisted.

"Host wake up." Just then the pesky bug spoke! 

And Chen Yanyan sadly woke from his peaceful dream...

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