Chapter 30

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**heyyyy. So I don't know exactly how I'm going to end this, but it is coming to an end pretty soon, which is sad. Anyways I don't think I'll write a sequel because there's really no point. I'll try to do a long epilogue though. But just enjoy this while it lasts! :) thank you all for reading! Love youuuuu!! **

*Niall's POV*

"C'mon Niall we have to get to rehearsals, if you want this to go as planned." Liam says, dragging me out of the room.

"I know. I'm just so nervous. What if she doesn't want me back?"

"You know what Harry told us when he went over there the other day."

I knew he was right. He told us that she hasn't left the house a lot and didn't look happy. Also that she ran our of the room crying when he walked in.

I just wanted to go to her house now and hold her, but I can't. I have to do this plan.

We have already talked with multiple record labels that are willing to sign us, if we're dropped for this. Island Def Jams is our top pick if so. Justin got us in with them. Which reminds me, I need to thank him.

"Okay let's go." I say and we walk out of the door, heading to rehearsal.

*Sydney's POV*

It's Friday.

I have to see him today. My heart is going to break...again.

"Sydneyyyyy. We have to get ready. Come on. I'll do your hair and makeup. Shower first." Amanda insists.

"Okay." I say and walk into the bathroom.

I strip everything off of my body...except one thing. My ring. I haven't ever taken it off.

I turn on the shower and step in, letting the warm water trickle down my body. It feels nice, relaxing. I wash my hair with my vanilla shampoo and conditioner, then my body with my tropical scented scrub. Next I shave my legs and underarms. After that I'm done.

I step out and dry off. I let my hair air dry and decide I'll wear it curly. Amanda can do just my make up.

Walking into my bedroom Amanda is going through all my clothes.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Finding you something cute."

"Okay. Whatcha find?"

"You like this?"

She holds up a a tight, red pencil skirt and a dressy white tank, with ruffles on it. It was cute and it went along with the Christmas theme for the jingle ball.

"Yeah it's cute. What shoes?" I ask.

"Uhm...Ooo. You know how we always wanted a pair of Jeffrey Campbell's?"

"Yes." I say, remembering my favorite kind of shoes, but they're like 200 dollars, so I could never afford them.

" dad bought me some! And they'd look great with this outfit!"

"Are you serious? Ahh."

"Yes, here." She said, handing me the cute shoes.

They were black booted with laces and had spikes on the back.

"These are the cutest shoes ever. Oh my gosh." I say.

"Yeah so put the clothes on. It's almost 6. We have to leave in half an hour."

I put on the tank top and pull up the skirt, tucking the tank into it. I slide on the heels and look at myself in the mirror. It's cute...but I need something else.

"This jacket." Amanda says, holding up a leather crop jacket, that also has spikes on it like the shoes.

"Did you my mind?" I ask.

"Yes." She chuckles.

I put on the jacket and sure enough it looks complete.

Now time for makeup.

I walk into the bathroom and let Amanda work her magic.

Half an hour later I look in the mirror. I look flawless. My foundation covers any impurities on my skin, the blush makes my cheek bones look prominent, and the eye shadow makes my brown eyes pop. Also, my mascara makes my lashes look thick and long.

"You look hot. Now come on, let's go." Amanda says, leading me out the house.

*Niall's POV*

It's almost show time. I'm so nervous right now.

I look in the mirror that's backstage.

I'm wearing a navy blue polo with some jeans and some Supras. My hair is styled as I usually have it when I don't wear a hat. I hope I look okay for her.

I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey mate. You nervous?" Ed asks. He just got done performing. Justin is on now.

"Yeah. I just hope she'll take me back."

"I think she will. From what I've heard, she really loves you. If she doesn't take you back after what you're doing then I might have to go talk to her. See what drugs she's on." He chuckles.

"Haha thanks Ed. You've been helpful the last few days."

I have been talking to Ed durning rehearses. Him and Zayn are great at advice.

"You're welcome lad. Anytime."

"Boys, you're on in two." Management shouts.

Here we go.

"You ready?" They all ask.

I nod my head and we take our positions. We're standing on a rising stage and it begins moving.

I immediately look in the direction she's supposed to be sitting in.

There she is. Looking more beautiful than ever. Her hair in her beautiful curls and her skin is glowing. I can't take my eyes off.

Her eyes meet with mine and I suddenly don't feel nervous at all anymore. I feel like I'm getting her back and that's exactly what I'm about to do.

**Dun dun dun. What's gonna happen?! :D**

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