Chapter 25

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*HAYYY GUYYYSSSS. Update? I think so! :) hope you enjoy!*

*Sydney's POV*

We arrive at the arena and Paul escorts us to our seats.

We sit by Justin's bodyguard Kenny and his friend Alfredo. Along with a few other people on Justin's crew. They are towards the side of the first row.

"Hey. You must be Sydney." Alfredo says.

"Yes, I am. You're Alfredo right?"

"Yep, that's me. Or some people call me Fredo or fredo the potato! Hahaha."

"I like that one." I say and laugh.

We all talk for a while. Joking, goofing off. I can't wait to see Justin live. I heard he's amazing.

It's not long until the opening act comes out. Carly Rae Jepsen. She starts with her first hit. Call Me Maybe!

"Hey I just met you, this is crazy, but here's my number! So call me maybe!" We all sing along with her.

She performs a few more songs and gets the crowd going wild.

I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey aren't you Sydney? Niall-- OH MY GOSH NIALL HORAN!" A teenage girl who was standing beside us screams.

Luckily the music was very loud and no other fans heard.

"Hello love. I'm Niall." Niall hugs her.

"Oh my gosh. I love you!" She replies.

"I love you too. Would you like a picture?"


I take a picture of them and they talk for a few more moments until the time for Justin hits 10 seconds.

"10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1!!!!!!" Everyone screams.

"How ya guys doin' tonight?!" Justin say into his mic.

The crowd goes wild. Especially the girl who freaked out earlier. She was crying. She must be a dedicated fan. I liked her, she was very nice.

"Alright. Let's go." Just says and begins As Long As You Love Me.

"We're under pressure 7 billion people in the world tryna fit in. Keep it together. Smile on your face even though your heart is frownin'" everyone sings.

Once he gets to the chorus he lets the audience sing it.

"As long as you lalalalalalalalalalalalalala love me love me!"

He sings about six songs more songs until he gets to Be Alright. I notice the same girl from earlier hasn't stopped crying and I bet she really wants to meet him.

A plan hatches in my head. I need to find...Alison. I think that's her name. I look around for her..there she is.

As I begin to walk towards her Niall grabs my hand. "Where ya goin love?"

"Right here, I'll be right back." I say with a smile.

"Alright." He replies.

I walk up to Alison.

"Hey Alison, I'm Sydney, Niall's girlfriend." I greet her.

"Hello. Justin spoke about your party the other day. I think it was yours."

"Haha yeah it was. I was wondering, aren't you the one who picks the one less lonely girls?"

"Uh yeah why? Do you wanna be her?" She jokes.

"Haha Noo. But the girl next to me seems like a really dedicated fan, she hasn't stopped crying and just looks so happy to be here. I was just wondering if you could maybe pick her?" I ask.

"Hmm. Since you asked so nicely I can. Bring me to her, it's almost time." She says and smiles.

We walk over to the girl, who's name is Megan I believe.

Alison taps on her shoulder and she starts crying then and there. She must already know.

"Do you want to be the one less lonely girl?" Alison asks.

"Oh my gosh..yes...yes!!!" She says crying harder and harder.

Alison leads her back stage and before you know it the music for The song comes on.

Megan walks out on stage and sits in the thrown for her. Justin walks over to her and hands her the crown while serenading her. She looks so happy.

Two arms wrap around me. "Did you have something to do with this?" Niall asks.

"Yes." I say.

"You're so perfect," he says and kisses my cheek. "I love you."



After the concert we head back to the hotel. It's pretty late.

No one is in the room yet so me an Niall go straight to the room and cuddle in bed.

"I love you Sydney. So much." Niall whispers.

"I love you, Niall."

"You better."


We both drift into a deep slumber after that.

*SORRY IT'S SHORT. And lame. Don't kill me. Writers block suckkkksss. Anyways, I've started a new fanfic. It's called a special summer. :) it's a Harry one! Please check it out!! VOTE COMMENT FAN! Xoxoxo**

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