Chapter 21

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**Hey loves. Hope you love this chapter. :) Thanks for reading! **


It’s the morning of Sydney’s birthday and I’m on my way to her house to surprise her with some flowers and a birthday cupcake.

“Do you remember how to get there?” I ask the driver.

“Yeah, we’re almost there.” He replies.

I am super pumped about the day. Sydney and I are going shopping and to lunch. We’re both getting new outfits for tonight, she thinks we’re just going to a club for her birthday..she has no idea what’s in store for her. Amanda got here last night and invited all of her friends from around here and is helping the boys make sure the club looks great for tonight. I couldn’t be more thankful.

“Here.” The driver says.

“Okay thanks. Wait here, we’ll be down in not too long.” I say and head to Sydney’s door.

I walk right in because I called Rebecca ahead of time to let her know. Opening Sydney’s door she’s still sleeping. Great. With the flowers and cupcake I walk over to her and begin singing.

“Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Sydney, Happy Birthday to youuuuu.” I sing and she opens her eyes half way, grinning.

“Awee Niall.” She says and gets up.

“Happy Birthday love.” I reply and kiss her. “Here are your flowers and cupcake.”

“Mmm, looks delicious.” She says and bites into it. “Taste good to!”

“Haha. I’m glad you like it. Now you have to get ready, we’ve got a busy day ahead of us.”

“Okay, okay. I gotta shower first.”

“Mind if I join?”

“Haha. You wish.” She says and walks into the bathroom, locking the door. Dammit.

She doesn’t take a long shower or take a while to get ready, so we are walking out the door already.

“Where to love?” I ask.

“The mall?” She questions.

“I meant which store.”

“Oh, I wanted to look at forever 21 if that’s okay.”

“Anything for your birthday love.”



We arrive at Forever 21 and begin looking around for dresses. I guess I never realized how picky Sydney is about her clothes, because she is taking forever to find one dress.

“What about this one?” She asks, holding up a blue dress.

“It’s nice.” I say and smile.

“Ugh, you say that about every one Niall.”

“Because they would ALL look good on you love.”

“Haha, well I’ll try these on. C’mon.” she says and I follow her to the dressing rooms. “You’re waiting out here.”

“Fine.” I say and put on a fake frown.

Sydney tries on a few dresses and shows me. They all really do look very nice, but she doesn’t like any of them. Girls…

“Okay I think I like this one.” She says and walks out.

Gotta Be You.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz