Chapter 20

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**Hey guys. :) hope you like this chapter. Keep reading, fanning, voting, commenting, etc. I'v noticed alot more people doing so and i appreciate it! and alot have been following me on twitter! Thanks!! <3 love you all. xoxo **


I wake up to the alarm on my phone, set for us to wake up so we could get ready for the photoshoot. My eyes turn to Sydney and I notice she is still sleeping, perfect time to call my manager and her mom about her birthday.

I grab my cell and call management.

“So where is the party going to be?” I ask.

“The Playhouse Hollywood I’ll send you the directions and everything. We have a have people getting banners and signs made and decorating the place.”

“Okay, you send out the list?”

“Yes, I’ll send you who said yes and who declined. Very few declined though.”

“Alright, good. Thanks.”

“Oh and Niall, it is kind of costly are you sure-”

I cut him off “yes I’m sure.” I say and hang up.

Now, time to call Rebecca.

“Hello Niall?” She answers.

“Hello Rebecca. I have the club rented out, it’s called Playhouse Hollywood. Do you know where that is?”

“Yes and wow, you’ve out done yourself.”

“Haha it’s no problem. Oh and I have people making signs and banners, do you have any requests?”

“Uhm..No. I’ll buy the cake though. I have a professional cake maker friend who is doing it for really cheap. How many people will be attending?”

“I invited like two hundred people, the boys are inviting people, Harry said Amanda is flying down and she has already called Sydney’s friends and invited them…so I’m guessing around three hundred people.”

“Wow! Well okay, thanks Niall. I’ll talk to you soon, buh-bye.” And she hangs up.

I didn’t realize how many people were coming and Harry just told me the news about Amanda coming in last night, we didn’t even tell Sydney. I check the time. It’s seven thirty and we have to leave here in an hour, time for Sydney to wake up.

I walk over to the bed and brush her hair back.

“Sydney love. It’s time to get up.” I say.

Her eyes flutter open and she rubs them.

“Good morning.” She says with a yawn and stretch.

“Mornin’” I say and kiss her. “Time to get ready.”

“This time I brought clothes. Haha.”  

She gets up and gets dressed, as do I.

We walk into the living room and see everyone, along with some members of management.

“Everyone ready?” Liam asks.

“Yep. Let’s go.” I say and we all walk out the door.



We arrive to the photo-shoot on time. We are rushed in and taken over by our stylists. Sydney Just sits on the couch looking at me. I blow her a kiss.

“Be still.” My stylist says, sternly.

She dabs some foundation on my face, which I hate. I mean c’mon. I’m a guy, I shouldn’t have to wear makeup. Now she is brushing my face with some sort of powder. It smells weird. She grabs a comb and brushes my hair back and lathers it in hairspray.

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