Chapter 5

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*Hey guys. I've been writing really frequently. But I don't want to write to fast that i'll be done in a week. So i'm going to only be uploading about twice a week from now on. Proably one on saturday and maybe on wednes day. I'm still gonna upload some more chapters tonight. Keep reading. Please please comment if you like it. Vote for it. Follow me on twitter and give me Ideas. :) Hope you're enjoying it. Much love. xoxo. **


After I get off the plane I walk to the end of the corridor leading to the lobby and see a ton of girls. They are screaming and holding posters “welcome home Niall” and “We love 1D” Tons of stuff like that. Then I see Niall, he’s signing autographs.

“Awee. That’s so sweet.” I whisper to myself.

Then I hear a loud scream.

“SYDNEYYYYY!!!” Screams Amanda.

She’s running over to me and hugs me. I hug her back.

You’d think we were a couple the way we were hugging each other and crying. It’s been almost a year since we’ve seen each other.

“I’m so happy to see you. Oh gosh you look beautiful.” She says.

“Hahaha. I’m happy to see you too. And No, I don’t think so.” I reply.

We begin to walk over to her parents.

“Hey Sydney, how have you been?” Her dad, Richard, asks.

Her dad is totally cool. He used to let Amanda and I stay out all night when we were sixteen and drink. We thought it was so cool. But now we’re nearly eighteen and we will be able to stay out late without permission.

“I’m great! How about you?” I ask.

“Good good.” He says.

I turn and face her mom, Mrs.Mellony.

“Hey Mrs.Mellony it’s been forever!” I say, hugging her.

“I know Sydney. We’ve missed you so much!” she replies.

“Well let’s go get your bags, shall we? We have an hour drive back home.” Richard says.

“Sounds good.” We all say.

As we walk to the luggage pick up me and Amanda are talking about what we’ve been doing when she mentions all the fans.

“Oh my gosh! You’ll never believe what happened. I had to sit first class and MET ONE DIRECTION!! Niall kissed me on the forhead and we are hanging out with him and the boys tomorrow!!” I yelled to her.

“WHAAAAT? You’re lying Sydney!” She yells back.

“Don’t believe me. Check Zayn’s tweets. There’s a picture of all of us. And I’ve gotten like a million followers since then.”


“He also said I was cute and that he loved my hair and Harry had competition! And I got his number!!!”

“No freaking way. I’m going to die. Sydney. You’re going to be Mrs.Horan!”

“Pffftt. No I’m not. He is just being friendly, ya know. I’m just another girl to him.”

“Whatever I bet he likes you, you’re gorgeous!”

“Ha, Thanks.” I smile. “You are too. Ya know, Harry’s still single.” Then I wink at her.

We grab my bags, walk to the car, and then start to head home.


I could just not get Sydney off my mind. Even while signing autographs and taking pictures, she was the one on my mind. I could not wait until tomorrow to see her again.

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