Chapter 11

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*Party time. (; hahaha. enjoy. 


Sydney steps out of the car. Damn…

“Love, you look…amazing.” I tell her and pull her into my arms and begin to kiss her.

“Thank you.” She replies.

“Let’s go in, before more of the paparazzi arrive.” I say.

“Okay.” She says, taking my hand and walking inside.

There isn’t loads of people here yet, but I guarantee more than invited show up.

I introduce Sydney to a few of my lads from here and some of the people we work with. We also grab a few drinks. I’m drinking Whiskey and she’s drinking a cocktail.

“I’m gonna make an announcement, I’ll be right back love.” I tell her.

I run up to the DJ table and ask for the mic.

“Okay, I want everyone to get a shot, including you Sydney.”

They all race around and get a shot.

“Now cheers to a AWESOME party!” I scream as I drink my shot.

I then run down to Sydney.

“Hahaha. What was that all about?” She asks.

“To make sure you’re having fun.” I tell her. “Wanna go out back where the boys and girls are?”

“Yeah, come on.” She says, taking my hand.


Niall and I have been drinking and I’m feeling a little more than buzzed. I have never been good and handling my alcohol. Niall seems okay. I know Louis, Zayn, Harry, and Amanda are completely wasted.

I see Harry trying to do cartwheels in the yard and Amanda recording him.

“Niall look.” I say pointing at them.

“Oh my goodness!” He says and we both start laughing.

Just then Louis runs by us with a super-man cape on and his undies outside of his clothes, screaming “I’M GOING TO FLYYYYYY!”

He runs up the blow up slide and jumps off and sliding down.

“I can fly!!!!” He screams as he runs through the yard.

I look for Eleanor, she’s talking to Danielle and Liam who are sitting on the outdoor furniture. I drag Niall over there to talk to them.

“Your boyfriend is quite a trip.” I tell Eleanor.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way. Haha.” She says, laughing.

We all just sit and talk for a while, telling stories and laughing at all the drunk people, mostly Louis.

“I wonder where Zayn is. I haven’t seen him in a bit.” I say to the group.

“Oh he’s over there trying to flirt with that girl and doing a weird dance.” Liam says, pointing him out.

He’s standing next to this girl, shaking his but in an odd way and trying to seduce her.

“Wow. I wonder what she’s thinking.” I say and start to laugh.

“Who knows? Maybe she’s just as drunk and thinks it’s hot.” Danielle tells me.

“Hahaha. She’d have to be REALLY drunk.” I say.

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