Chapter 38

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**Guys I'M SO SO SORRY for not updating like i said i would, but this week has been horrible. Just lately I've been down and Tuesday and Wednesday were just not my day. I'm so sorry and thank you for the votes! <3 You all are amazing! I love you.**

*Sydney's POV*

It's later in the evening and Niall and I are helping clean up the house. The last of the guests just left. Today was really great. I got to meet lots and lots of Niall's family. They were all so nice and great people. I could get used to seeing them every year. 

"Did you have a good day babe?" Niall asks as we walk up the stairs. 

"Yes. I loved your family." 

"They'll be yours someday." 

I smile at what he says and think about my future with Niall. 

One day we will be married and have kids. We will have our own house and our own lives, together. I couldn't wait for that. 

"We're going to stay at my house tonight alright?" Niall says, grabbing his bags. 

"Alright I'll get my things." I reply, getting my stuff together. 

Not long after Niall and I have our things together and he's loading it all into his car. 

"Bye Niall. Bye Sydney." Maura says, hugging us both. 

"Bye Maura. Thank you for everything and for letting me stay here for Christmas." I tel her.

"You're very welcome. I like you..a lot." She gushes, making me blush. 




"I'm tired." I yawn and plop down on the bed. 

"Me too." Niall says lying down beside me. "C'mere." 

I scootch over to him and he holds me close. He begins playing with the strands of my hair and twirling my curls around his fingers. His touch is so soothing and his hands are so warm. 

"I love you." I whisper. 

"I love you, too." 

Niall cozies himself into the crook  of my neck and breathes in and out. His warm breathe sending sparks through my body.



"Who's Holly?" 

I can feel Niall stiffen.

"W-who told you about Holly?" 

"Well I was washing dishes with your mom and aunt and she just kind of got brought up. I asked them about it but they said ask you." 

"She's just an ex-girlfriend Syd. No nead to worry." He lies. 

I can tell that he lied because his mom wouldn't have made such a big deal and he wouldn't have stiffened at the mention of her name. 

"Why did you lie?" 

"I didn't lie." He says sternly. 

"Niall, yes you did. I can tell when you lie." 

"Sydney I'm not lying. She's just an ex-girlfriend. That's it!" He raises his voice.

"I thought we told each other everything? I told you about my dad, even when I wasn't ready to talk about him again!" 

He sits up in a sitting position and looks at me with no emotion.

"Oh my God! This is bullshit. Are you really getting angry with me because I won't tell you about a ex fucking girlfriend." 

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