Chapter 8

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*Hey you guys. I want to write some more. I guess you can say i'm addicted. Also i thought the chapter before was actually longer than it really is! haha. It seems like it when you're writing it.

Anyways, please ignore any grammar mistakes! haha. :)


I can’t believe all of the paparazzi and people! There were so many of them! Asking so many questions. It was unreal. I don’t know if I could live like that every single day.

“Sorry about that Sydney and Amanda.” Niall tells us.

“That was crazy! I just hope I look good in the pictures!” Amanda says.

“You will love.” Harry tells Amanda.

Awee. That’s so sweet!

“HARRY! How could you betray me like this! I thought what we had was real.” Louis yells.

We all burst out into laughter.

“I’m sorry Boo Bear, but Amanda is just so beautiful.” Harry says and then winks at Amanda.

They are too cute.

“So what are we going to do at your house Niall?” I ask Niall.

“Probably just hang out. All get to know each other a bit more.” He replies.

“Maybe we can do a twitcam! For the fans.” Liam says.

“Awe that would be fun.” I say back to him.

“ Yeah I’ve always wanted to do one of those!” Amanda joins in.

“Okay we will do one before you girls leave.” Liam says.



We finally arrive at Niall’s house. His house is nice. He has his own home now, not with his mum anymore.

It’s a two story house with two bedrooms and two baths. It’s nicely decorated. I’ve always wanted a cute, little home like this.

“To the living rooooooooooom!” Liam yells.

We all follow.

I sit next to Niall. We’re hand in hand. Amanda and Harry are sitting together. Louis is on a love seat alone, he’s all sprawled out. Zayn and Liam are on the opposite couch from us. There’s just enough room for all of us.

“So what are you guys doing all this week?” I ask.

“Well nothing until Thursday. On Thursday morning we have a few interviews, and a free show for the Mullingar residents.” Liam says.

“Oh yeah, you girls should come. Then Saturday we’re having a party!” Harry says.

“Yeah Sydney, you and Amanda should come to the show. We’ll get you in backstage and everything.” Niall tells me. “Also to the party! Danielle and Eleanor are coming to town Tuesday. You’ll love them. Sweet, sweet girls.

When Niall says that Liam and Louis’s faces light up.

“Oh my gosh. I’ve always wanted to meet them. They are so pretty!” I say.

“Me too!” Amanda tells us.

“Well then you shall meet them TUESDAYYY!” Louis shouts.



We spend a couple of hours talking about each other. Learning what we like and what we don’t. Where we came from and who we are. All kinds of stuff.

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